Rebel Squadrons
Person: COM David Vaughan
Medal: Excellency of Duty

Date: July 22, 2006
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Licah Fox
Reason for nomination: Lieutenant Commander David Vaughan has been the best Logistics Officer that the RS has ever had, primarily due to his extraordinary efforts and dedication to his tasks. He may perhaps have put in more time into the RS than anyone else in the past four or five months, working on LO projects. He has assisted various Fleet Command Staff with help in setting up new storylines, and has generally been a better Logistics Officer than I could have hoped to find. For this and more, it seems only appropriate to award LCM Vaughan the Excellency of Duty - - for his work as Logistics Office. Congratulations! Others have also noticed the zeal that Vaughan has for his work, so he has also received a promotion recently.
Comments by awarding officer: See the 21 July 2006 State of the Rebel Squadrons. Congratulations, everyone! ":)

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