Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Licah Fox
Medal: Excellency of Service

Date: September 23, 2011
Nominated by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason for nomination: Admiral Licah Fox is a very unique entity in the RS. Since I can’t think of a Star Wars analogy for what he is, I’ll have to borrow one from Star Trek instead. There, Montgomery Scott (“Scotty”) was known as a ‘miracle worker’. Well, it is my opinion that Licah is our ‘miracle worker’. Nothing appears too big for him to solve. He’s done a wonderful job as IO. He was the only person willing to at least make an attempt to be the OO. He has constantly presented new ideas for the club leadership to consider. Over the years, Licah has served in most of the positions available in the RS from Squadron level to the FC’s chair. I could continue this list, but we don’t have all night. He has certainly exceeded “going above and beyond the call of duty” in any sense of the phrase. The contributions that Licah has made to this club will last for many years to come. Licah, thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. It is with great pride that I present you with the Excellency of Service award. This is the most prestigious award that the Rebel Squadrons can bestow upon one of its members and is awarded on extremely rare occasions (less than once a year). Thank you, Licah, and congratulations! “:)
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