Rebel Squadrons
Person: CPT Fenwar Roisten
Medal: RSCD DF Assault Medal

Date: August 6, 2004
Nominated by: LCL Alextravia Grentarii
Awarded by: LCL Michael Morone
Reason for nomination: These have never been awarded. It's time people got these medals which have been stacking up since the beginning of time. There will be many more, as this has not been done for years and I have the Velocity to do as well.
Comments by awarding officer: Hmmm, apparently these have been sitting waiting to be handed um...Im now handing them out. Alex, your welcome ;-) I spotted this and figured I would handle it.

Alex wrote:
These have never been awarded. It's time people got these medals which have been stacking up since the beginning of time. There will be many more, as this has not been done for years and I have the Velocity to do as well.

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