Rebel Squadrons
Person: MGN Jairo Pantoja
Medal: Iridium Spire

Date: January 1, 2009
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: Major General Jairo Pantoja, what can I say? You were my first RS squadron commander, and here we are so many years later and you're still doing the same great things, still with great enthusiasm, making me feel very welcome to come back and even lead the squadron. You have meant much to my passion for the RS, both leading by example and seeing your dedication to FireClaw. I do not know how many years you were CO this latest time around - perhaps two full ones? - but your very willingness to be a stable presence as CO and guide the squadron through difficult times speaks volumes. For your recent service as FireClaw Squadron CO, it is my privilege to award you the Iridium Spire ( <=IS=> ), a highly prestigious recognition for those acting as leaders and role models in the RS. This is a rare medal and you are only the 10th officer to receive it, but I believe you deserve every bit of it.
Comments by awarding officer: Congratulations Pilots of Fireclaw! It is good to know that we have such fine Pilots in the PSG.

Keep up the good work.

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