Rebel Squadrons
Person: GEN Markus Jarnhann
Medal: High Command Service Medal

Date: April 12, 2014
Nominated by: RA Lamin Zykara
Awarded by: RA Lamin Zykara
Reason for nomination: Lieutenant General Markus Jarnhann, front and center! Markus, you're another person who has served for many years on the High Command, and who is stepping back to a non-voting role for the moment. You may not remember, but we first met and interacted in Zealot when we co-posted a few things almost five years ago. Since then, we've had some duels in High Command, but I've come to appreciate your dedication to the club and your willingness to work with such rapscallions as Sconn and Josh. It gives me great pleasure to present you the High Command Service Medal, in recognition of your work on the High Command. Congratulations!
Comments by awarding officer: Congratulations to each of you on your award!

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