Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Medal: New Republic Medal of Honor

Date: No Data
Nominated by: No Data
Awarded by: No Data
Reason for nomination:
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: No Data
Nominated by: No Data
Awarded by: No Data
Reason for nomination:
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: March 15, 2011
Nominated by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason for nomination: "I hereby nominate Admiral Sienn Sconn for this award not based on any single campaign, but for his multiple exceptional campaign performances spreading across his years of service. His character, one of the oldest in our unit, has seen countless battles and has been a mentor at one point or another to nearly every character who have gone through our system. During the Shadow's Edge campaign, he valiantly defended Allegiance members as they fell back from an unknown creature hellbent on destroying everything in its path, and was nearly killed in the process. He was instrumental in discovering the motives behind the Enigma (IFH V for those ABGers who remember) campaign; and his knowledge allowed the group to excel in the labyrinth like gauntlet presented to them. The pinnacle of his performance as a roleplayer came within the Unholy Alliance campaign, a campaign that spanned the course of three years of ABG simming. Sconn made the ultimate sacrifice for the group locked in combat with a high inquisitor, a pivotal member of an invading force bent on decimating the ABG and taking the RS planet of Bethlamore. Though he sacrificed himself in battle, he managed to mortally wound his opponent, depriving the invading force of one of their commanders; and beginning the turn of tides in the ABG's favor. Fortunately for the ABG, death was merely a temporary setback... Regardless, his performance over the years has made a lasting impact on the ABG as a whole which will last a lifetime." -Fleet Admiral Michael Raven, Allegiance Battle Group Commanding Officer

Upon the power vested in me by High Command, the RS Bylaws, and you, the members of the Rebel Squadrons, I, as RS Fleet Commander, do approve these nominations and hereby award Major General Eric Skrevski, Admiral Sienn Sconn, and Vice Admiral Cyrel Vandroth the New Republic Medal of Honor! Congratulations, gentlemen!
Comments by awarding officer:

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