Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Medal: Merit Commendation

Date: July 22, 2006
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Licah Fox
Reason for nomination: The Council of Justice. Since its inception two summers ago, the three-person membership of this council has never changed, and all three have been reliably acting in their conception of the best interest and judgment of the RS. Major General Randy "Archangel" Starkiller has endeavored to follow through with cases, making sure that accused and accusers are fairly treated even when the case is passed off to a fleet Chain of Command, and for this I award him Dagger of Courage - -^†^- - for assisting fellow members beyond the call of duty. Fleet Admiral Dave Trebonious-Astoris also deserves recognition for his good service on the Council, but he appears to already have every possible medal that I could award him -- except for one! Dave, it is my very great, esteemed, distinct, joyous, and privileged honor to award you the Merit Commendation - =*= - !
Comments by awarding officer: See the 21 July 2006 State of the Rebel Squadrons. Congratulations, everyone! ":)

Date: September 1, 2006
Nominated by: FA Mike "MacMan" McEwen
Awarded by: COM Leonard Cable
Reason for nomination: It pleases Me to nominate you for this Merit Commendation for being one of Hope Wings active participating pilots for PBF mission 7.02. Its pilots such as yourself that continue to make Hope Wing one of the best Wings that the RS has to offer. On behalf of the Hope Wing and the PBF command staff, thank you and Congratulations!
Comments by awarding officer: Congratulations to all recipients! Your activity makes us proud, and we look forward to your continued success within the Rebel Squadrons! ":o)

Date: January 1, 2009
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: Fleet Admiral Dave Trebonious-Astoris, it's my privilege to promote you to.. wait, hmm?.. Etain's over there frantically waving to me. I think he's trying to tell me....what? OH. You're the maximum rank! :P In slightly more seriousness, it's my privilege to award you a Merit Commendation ( =*= ) for reporting on all 3 missions (2 sims & RS 2.02) in the past two months. The PBF CS called for extra participation in November and you fully responded. Congratulations on your third Merit Commendation.. I recall awarding the first as well :P
Comments by awarding officer: Congratulations Pilots of Fireclaw! It is good to know that we have such fine Pilots in the PSG.

Keep up the good work.

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