Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

TIE Fighter

PSG Tour A1 (TIE)
PSG Ta115.2: Sim (GDF 101)

By GEN Damon Lightwind

Player Craft: TIE Interceptor

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Retro mission fun!


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. FA Licah Fox 74,933 36 Victory Hard April 14, 2012 Official Tour Score
2. BGN Hermus Dogan 74,303 35 Victory Hard March 24, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Shieldless entertainment right here. Good fun.
3. BGN Hermus Dogan 73,851 34 Victory Hard April 22, 2012
4. ADM Kirghy Lommax 72,910 33 Victory Hard April 12, 2012 Official Tour Score
5. GEN Damon Lightwind 67,360 32 Victory Hard April 22, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I should have bail after the MC well I had the chance. I celebrate too much and loss track of my target and found him the hard way....literally...Lol!!! That will teach me to get ahead of myself.
6. MGN Kimiao Quinal 29,361 25 Victory Easy April 22, 2012 Official Tour Score
7. BGN Ray Djo 24,430 32 Victory Medium March 28, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: YEAH BABY!!! Ok ok .... I am a bit rusty... but I dont really care.
8. LCL jelf boom 0 6 Loss Medium April 1, 2012 Official Tour Score
9. CMDR Mia StormChaser 0 4 Loss Medium April 22, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: quick fly through, as I wanted to meet the report deadline.

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Average rating: 9

10 by GEN Damon Lightwind on April 22, 2012
Took me a few try but I got going after that should of left after the MC though! Good mission!!!!
7 by MGN Kimiao Quinal on April 22, 2012
Tough mission to get to grips with, so frustrated with the missiles and not having either shields or any defence but blasting them.
10 by BGN Ray Djo on March 28, 2012
It took me a few tries... but i got it!!!! yay! good mission!
9 by BGN Hermus Dogan on March 24, 2012
I had a lot of fun with this one. The lack of shields means you need to evade with everything you can muster and be ready to risk it all when missiles are coming your way. I want to fly more of these missions with unshielded TIEs.