Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 4 (XWA Mixed Tour)
XWA 405: Protect the Base (IBG 205)

By COL Cephisus Balder

Player Craft: A-wing

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Our new base is under attack and we must prevent the platform's destruction. A-Wings and X-Wings will engage Imperial fighters and bombers while B-Wings will attack the VSD. Capital ships from the fleet are en route to provide additional support. Watch your backs out there and may the Force be with us.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. CPT FBK 6,868 26 Victory Hard September 9, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Great mission
2. LCM InterlinkKnight 5,673 23 Victory Hard September 11, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Finish in 7:11
3. LCM Ralis Solin 5,200 14 Victory Medium September 8, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Great mission!
4. MGN CrazyCarl 5,200 16 Victory Medium September 8, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Wow, fantastic mission!
5. BGN Hermus Dogan 4,430 15 Victory Medium August 25, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: First run.
6. BGN Ray Djo 1,101 0 Victory Medium September 22, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: not really sure how got no kills since i def took down the entire VSD by MYSELF and also took down a few other things that were trying to get me. though i also dropped my entire laptop off the table and that might have had something to do with it....
7. BGN Naesa Draw 472 4 Loss Medium September 1, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Cleared most of the fighters, but thought I had some of the missile boats. Vaped engaging the VSD. Lost controls and didn't have time to punch out.

Kills: 4 (3)
Assists: 7

TIE Bombers: 4(3)

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Average rating: 9

8 by BGN Ray Djo on September 22, 2013
not bad!
10 by MGN CrazyCarl on September 8, 2013
This was a REALLY great mission! Plenty challenging but in no way so difficult that it got frustrating. Lots of tie fighters that get on your tail that you need to turn around and vape! Tough to keep the bombers off the station, but then fun killing all of the capital ships once you've dealt with the bombers. Tons of fun with this, thanks so much COL Balder!
9 by LCM InterlinkKnight on August 27, 2013
Very fun mission. I don't have a complaint, and I enjoy every second of this mission.

Wingmans help a lot, there was a fairly amount of enemy fighters and we finish with destroying a capital ship.