Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 4 (XWA Mixed Tour)
XWA 415: The Final Step (IBG 306)

By MAJ Eric Suul

Player Craft: Z-95 Headhunter

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In the final chapter of the Rolian refugees, the Intrepid Battle Group confronts the Fanatic Element at their own base, to fight the survivors through.

A System Patrol Craft entered the fray in the last clash we had with the Imperials.  Fortunately, we've been able to trace its origin, and it looks like it comes from the main base of the Rolian Fanatics.  You will escort the Idiot's Array, Daunter, and Bayonet to a rally point just outside their base.  Your flight will then microjump to the base so you can transmit the layout back to the Array.  Once they've had a chance to analyze your transmission and plan their attack, they will follow you in, and target any capital ships and platforms present.  You must provide fighter cover and help take down enemy ships whenever possible.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM lmaokai88 11,100 57 Victory Hard November 5, 2014 Official Tour Score
2. MGN CrazyCarl 3,910 13 Loss Medium November 9, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Can't seem to protect the Idiot's Array. . .
3. LCM Ralis Solin 2,608 11 Loss Medium November 9, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Too hard
4. CMDR Mia StormChaser 1,067 4 Loss Medium November 23, 2014 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 7

7 by MGN CrazyCarl on November 9, 2014
Fun mission, can't seem to beat it though, Idiot's Array always gets destroyed. Lots of fun dogfighting though!