Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

Hammerfall - XWA

By MGN CrazyCarl

Player Craft: B-wing

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▼ Briefing

With the loss of Bethlamore and Tarsonis, the Titan is pressing her advantage and preparing for a strike at the heart of the RS in Greeop. However with the recent evacuations the RS forces in the system are now bolstered, giving us the opportunity to be able to absorb or possibly even turn the attack. . .

Participant Overall Objective: Download the mission
and rename to 1B1M1G.tie and place it in your Xwing Alliance/MISSIONS folder (first backing up the original 1B1M1G.tie file). Enter the game and in the simulator play Battle 1 Mission 1. This will launch the downloaded mission. Take a screenshot with your individual score at the end and submit the report to the RS XWA activities section.


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