Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

IBG Operations Blade and Gamma
Operation Blade 101: A Dangerous Beginning

By LCM Jerron Koss

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

Under orders from High Command, the IBG is stepping up its operations in this area. In addition to the high pirate activity, intelligence's sources tell us that an Imperial remnant group may have a base located in this region.

One of our agents on the Garors Base station has made contact with an informant named Broleebi, who is willing to provide us with the location of the Imperial's base... for a price. While our intelligence gatherors are confidant they can locate it, Broleebi may give us an opportunity to pinpoint the base before  its defences are fully operative.

For this operation, Corvette Kappa will be sent to the starport to meet with Broleebi and hand over his payment in exchange for the coordinates . While a fully armed blockade runner may seem overkill for such a simple exchange, the starport is rife with pirates, mercenaries and other unsavory characters who may decide to pick a fight. Two A-wings from flight group Red will provide starfighter escort.

After the meeting has been completed, you will receive further instruction from your mission commander.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. COL Jeremiah Matthew 8,062 15 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
2. CMDR Kem Chrosid 4,781 25 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
3. LCM Xortia Narfasu 3,920 14 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
4. LCM Raven Arestar 3,035 24 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
5. CMDR Cole Landfarer 2,895 18 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
6. GEN Garrik "Face" Loran 2,895 17 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
7. COM Wes Belden 2,726 17 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
8. LGN Trate Daxson 2,630 17 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
9. FA Rahj Tharen 2,560 11 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
10. RA Adam "Vender" Fene 2,342 13 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
11. MGN Gabrich Varmer 2,075 18 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
12. CDT Derrick (Blaze) Tacer 1,990 18 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
13. CMDR Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance 1,920 15 Victory Medium June 1, 2014 Just starting out. ...Just starting out. Will try to do each one.
14. GEN Bluejay Farscape 1,880 16 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
15. CDT Gerrard Kell 1,833 10 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
16. COL Taan Ronar 1,640 14 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
17. LCM Gagra Yearwood 1,550 11 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
18. BGN Rave Craise 1,530 14 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
19. LJG Arexander Clevor 1,445 9 Victory Hard May 4, 2016
20. GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle 1,440 13 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
21. LCM Hawkeye 1,377 12 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
22. RA Boid Reaves 1,331 6 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
23. LCL Ryan Deean 1,300 9 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
24. LCM InterlinkKnight 1,257 5 Victory Hard October 7, 2011
25. CMDR Ben Haun 1,210 9 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
26. CMDR Castin Jaheran 1,205 8 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
27. CMDR Wesley Rademaker 1,125 9 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
28. GEN Remarda Jundun 1,125 8 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
29. LCM Ryan "Tango" Xeleron 1,085 12 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
30. LCM Jerron Koss 1,018 11 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
31. COL Galen McGrath 1,007 10 Victory Easy August 5, 2015
32. CDT Elliot Markev 930 6 Victory Medium January 6, 2016
33. BGN Amplan Dayne 755 3 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
34. CMDR Tobian "Beany" Kentaas 720 4 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
35. 2LT Ser'j "Korney" Kurigami 716 10 Victory Unknown January 22, 2001 Official Tour Score
36. MGN Adam Mieter 570 2 Victory Medium November 17, 2011
37. 2LT Turkkin Hos 28 2 Victory Medium April 7, 2012

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Average rating: 7

6 by CDT Bundi Fardrive on December 31, 2021
A good mission. Not great, but still good.
8 by CDT Elliot Markev on January 6, 2016
Well rounded mission with more to it than just dog fighting. Well done!