Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 3 (XWA Retro Tour)
RS 311a: The Yaga Minor Shipyards (IBG 111)

By GEN Garrik "Face" Loran

Player Craft: B-wing

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This is it. We have finally breached the Imperial defences and are ready to launch our attack on the shipyards themselves.

Our latest recon data shows that the shipyards are protected by a ring of Golan defence platforms. The SSD Imperator and two Interdictor cruisers are also in the area. We also expect to find automated guns and many squadrons of TIE's.

Formidable as the Imperials defence's are, they do have a weakness. If one of the Golan stations was destroyed, this would create a gap in the perimeter which would provide a path into the heart of the shipyards for both our fighters and capital ships.

B-W Red will hyper in ahead of our fleet, escorted by A-W Blue, and  destroy one of the Golan platforms. Our fleet will then jump in and begin their attack.

Our Interdictor will not be accompanying us to the shipyards. It would be pointless to endanger it when our targets are mostly static platforms. 6 of our ships will remain behind to escort it.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM InterlinkKnight 15,230 33 Victory Medium February 3, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: complete in 42 minutes
2. LCL Jay Forerunner 12,612 7 Victory Medium February 4, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Got buggy when I try and rearm at times, sometimes crashed.
3. BGN Hermus Dogan 11,690 27 Victory Medium February 1, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Right, the first medium flight I attempt after my easy victory goes smoothly. Yay! Fun 'blow it up' mission.
4. CMDR Mia StormChaser 3,964 16 Victory Medium February 4, 2012 Official Tour Score
5. BGN Naesa Draw 3,559 13 Victory Easy February 4, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Had to roll back my blasted drivers, but got it working again!

(Also had to resubmit)
6. LCL jelf boom 0 2 Loss Medium December 27, 2011 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 8.5

9 by LCM InterlinkKnight on February 3, 2012
I am hard critic about missions when they are not well made, but this one is actually very good. Is hard with all that fighters and stations firing at you but that is the fun of it. Besides, is not super hard even in hard difficulty. I win in HARD but with MEDIUM I got more points so that is my final report.

Is a little long mission, though. 30-40 minutes. If you like that (like me) you will love it.
8 by BGN Hermus Dogan on February 1, 2012
This is a fun mission with lots of targets. Heavy rockets are your friend!

Yeah, I just needed to fly more effectively. This run on medium was pretty smooth, even when swarmed by TIE Defenders.