Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
XvT 321: ISD Interception (RgF 209)

By Wes Belden and Leonard Cable

Player Craft: A-wing

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▼ Briefing

Intel has provided us with the location of a lone Star Destroyer. Its supplies have been cut off thanks to your previous mission and its escorts are nowhere to be seen. Furthermore, Intel believes this could be the enemy's flag ship. Destroying it will deal a severe blow to both their forces and their morale.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 31,960 24 Loss Hard February 2, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Did well, but the ISD jumps far too quickly to destroy on Hard. Sniped a CRV afterwards, but shielded T/Is crashed the party and forced me to escape. Close call!
2. FA Licah Fox 27,045 25 Loss Hard January 9, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I completed it many times on Medium but couldn't get my score above this attempt on Hard.
3. LCL jelf boom 8,560 17 Loss Medium February 2, 2014 Official Tour Score
4. BGN Naesa Draw 6,800 11 Loss Medium January 19, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Fought hard, did well but the bombers dropped the ball
Total Kills: 11(5)

Kills by type
TIE/F: 8(5)
TIE/I: 3

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Average rating: 7

7 by BGN Naesa Draw on January 19, 2014
Mission seems pretty good, but the Ys seem to have forgotten their job. Not had a chance to check the goals on them, but I assume something didn't trip there. Mission worked otherwise, the ISD finally gave up and went home, the Neb Bs showed up and harassed us as we left etc.