Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
XvT 323: Recovery Op (RgF 211)

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: Y-wing

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▼ Briefing

The Imperial fleet is withdrawing from this area. Intel reports that due to the damage they have sustained in combat against us, the fleet's superior officers have agreed to retreat deep into Imperial held territory. From there the ships will be disbanded and assigned to various other groups that protect that area of space.

Good news for us. However, there is one last loose end to tidy up. One of our operatives is still aboard an Imperial vessel and has no way of extracting himself. Our job is to get him home, alive.

The group of ships that the craft he is on is a part of is en route to a supply cache to rearm and refuel before its long journey home. Our job is to board that craft before it begins that journey.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. CMDR Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance 22,600 8 Victory Easy June 30, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I really wanted a victory on this mission so followed Col Naes Draw and re-ran the mission on easy. Upside, mission victory, downside, no challenge. From now on I'm gonna stick to normal difficulty even if that means a loss.
2. BGN Naesa Draw 14,300 1 Victory Easy June 29, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I was surprisingly unmolested here. I mean, I was on easy since I've not flown in far too long, but other than the caps I don't think I was even shot at. Also oddly, all the fighters on our side jumped out around the time Cortana showed.
3. FA Licah Fox 7,177 9 Loss Medium June 20, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: All went fine until our friendly E/S hypered in . . . and decided to park next to the ESC and get blown to smithereens, rather than board the disabled ship. Good times.
4. MGN Kimiao Quinal 4,140 9 Loss Easy June 29, 2014 Official Tour Score
5. LCL jelf boom 2,359 3 Loss Medium June 28, 2014 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 8

8 by CMDR Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance on June 30, 2014
I really wanted a victory on this mission so followed Col Naes Draw and re-ran the mission on easy. Upside, mission victory, downside, no challenge. From now on I'm gonna stick to normal difficulty even if that means a loss.
8 by MGN Kimiao Quinal on June 29, 2014
tough! very tough!