Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
XvT 328: Capturing the Admiral (RgF 305)

By COM Leonard Cable

Player Craft: Z-95 Headhunter

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Pilots, it's time to get down to business.

We have the coordinates of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Deathbringer due to that surprise attack on the convoy during your last mission. Now, we are going to end this here and now. We need to you watch over a capture operation. What will we capture, you ask?

We're going to capture Admiral Cohn, leader of the Task Force. Get to your fighter, pilot!


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM lmaokai88 103,896 61 Victory Hard November 7, 2014 Official Tour Score

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