Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RgF Tour 1
RgF 101

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: A-wing

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We are currently in battle with a group of enemy Corvettes. Their starfighters have disabled the Ad-Astra and the CRVs are moving in for the kill. The Ad-Astra's long range comm systems are down; we need to get a shuttle out of the system so that they can use their comm system to radio to the rest of the Fleet for help. Your mission is to protect this Shuttle until it is out of danger.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. CMDR Kem Chrosid 74,020 38 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
2. LCM lmaokai88 73,530 37 Victory Hard June 29, 2014 In the future I wil...In the future I will take a screenshot at the mission complete screen
3. LCL Teesu Braynok 72,100 38 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
4. COM Wes Belden 62,150 27 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
5. MAJ Maynard Stardust 43,468 28 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
6. MAJ Strike Adrella-Highwing 41,843 26 Victory Medium January 19, 2016
7. GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle 41,545 25 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
8. CPT Blair Burner 39,778 25 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
9. CDT Athon 39,700 10 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
10. GEN Bluejay Farscape 33,880 20 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
11. MGN Dan Fengar 30,730 9 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
12. CMDR Zsinj 28,000 16 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
13. GEN Sair Mandella 26,940 9 Loss Unknown February 27, 2001 Official Tour Score
14. COL Brig Dolaree 21,840 10 Loss Medium September 9, 2011
15. CMDR Mia StormChaser 18,980 5 Victory Medium June 10, 2012
16. BGN Hermus Dogan 4,775 7 Loss Medium August 18, 2013

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