Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RgF Tour 1
RgF 103

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: Z-95 Headhunter

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The Xwing pilot and the survivors in the escape pod we rescued have given us some vital information. It appears there is an Imperial presence in this area of unknown space.

The new alien race that has us contacted did indeed arrive to meet the Frigate we sent. However their meeting was disrupted by the arrival of several Star Destroyers. Before leaving, the Aliens transmitted a coded message stating where they could be contacted. Luckily, one of the survivors managed to download this information before the Frigate was destroyed. We are sending you to meet with the Alien's contact.

In order not to alert any Imperial recon units, you will go there in old  Z-95s. Should your meeting be successful, elements of the fleet will arrive to pick up the Aliens.  


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. CPT Billy Sunday (expelled) 52,600 16 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
2. GEN Petr Tagge Margul 43,656 29 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
3. LCM Raven Arestar 33,070 16 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
4. RA Harley Quinn 22,358 18 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
5. BGN Topachea Nabbirie 22,096 17 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
6. COM Wes Belden 21,628 15 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
7. BGN Hermus Dogan 21,210 14 Victory Easy August 18, 2013
8. CDT John Ricco 19,520 10 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
9. GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle 19,418 12 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
10. 2LT Ser'j "Korney" Kurigami 18,920 12 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
11. FA Rensal Darklighter 18,076 8 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
12. GEN Bluejay Farscape 17,180 7 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
13. ADM Shikkie Kaaran 16,324 11 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
14. CDT Luke Starr 16,200 8 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
15. CPT Brendan Hadrian Bridger 15,930 10 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
16. RA Lamin Zykara 15,920 9 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
17. BGN Amplan Dayne 15,640 10 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
18. RA Adam "Vender" Fene 15,080 7 Victory Unknown April 29, 2001 Official Tour Score
19. CMDR Mia StormChaser 2,808 5 Loss Medium June 10, 2012

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