Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RgF Tour 1
RgF 108

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: A-wing

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So far we have been successful in this campaign to liberate the T'Serans from these seemingly independent Imperials. However, up until now the enemy has not known of our presence in its back yard. They now know we are here. We must not let our guard fall, yet we must continue to push on. Command has identified several key supply routes that keep the Imperial fleet going. We will intercept and destroy these convoys before a large scale attack on one of their naval groups. You will take part in the destruction of one such convoy, flying escort to our bombers.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. COL Han Suul 82,700 31 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
2. RA Harley Quinn 62,270 19 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
3. MGN Xtremegene 56,965 18 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
4. LCM Arill Wiltker 56,945 18 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
5. VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis 51,748 14 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
6. LCM lmaokai88 49,420 16 Victory Hard June 30, 2014
7. LGN Jon Anchorage 48,120 14 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
8. LGN Trate Daxson 34,900 12 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
9. LCL Davin Ingram Kabak 33,240 16 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
10. GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle 30,685 15 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
11. LCL Ral Shiel 30,440 10 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
12. ADM Kirghy Lommax 23,955 9 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
13. RA Adam "Vender" Fene 21,170 7 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
14. COL Anthon Connor 19,479 3 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
15. FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn 18,715 7 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
16. BGN Amplan Dayne 18,445 4 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
17. CPT J'or Boyér 18,233 5 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
18. COL Bon Fel 16,920 5 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
19. COL Renan Darillia 16,828 3 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score
20. CMDR Kale Petosky 16,395 5 Victory Unknown October 31, 2001 Official Tour Score

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