Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RgF Tour 1
RgF 110

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: A-wing

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The fleet has assembled at a refuel and supply depot. They've agreed to keep our presence and use of their facilities secret. Once done the fleet will move on to meet up with the few ships that the T'seran resistance have. It is imperative that the Imperials do not learn of our being here. Not only would it endanger the fleet, but would most likely mean losing the lives of the depot's workers.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. VA Patrick Blastfire 68,630 36 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
2. MGN Xtremegene 64,080 30 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
3. GEN Corran Horn Jr. 62,040 27 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
4. COM Wes Belden 38,660 32 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
5. VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis 38,030 35 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
6. GEN Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle 35,440 34 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
7. RA Adam "Vender" Fene 32,970 32 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
8. LGN Trate Daxson 31,780 31 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
9. RA Harley Quinn 26,690 18 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
10. BGN Amplan Dayne 21,210 18 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
11. COL Bon Fel 18,920 15 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
12. RA Kyle Tobarn 17,758 13 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
13. COL Renan Darillia 15,960 7 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
14. LCL Ral Shiel 15,815 19 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
15. LCM Kell Horn 15,050 9 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
16. LCM Arill Wiltker 13,340 15 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
17. FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn 8,570 9 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
18. FA Rensal Darklighter 7,810 5 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score
19. RA Lamin Zykara 5,830 8 Victory Unknown January 6, 2002 Official Tour Score

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