Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
RS 308b: Convoy Strike (RgF 108)

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: A-wing

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So far we have been successful in this campaign to liberate the T'Serans from these seemingly independent Imperials. However, up until now the enemy has not known of our presence in its back yard. They now know we are here. We must not let our guard fall, yet we must continue to push on. Command has identified several key supply routes that keep the Imperial fleet going. We will intercept and destroy these convoys before a large scale attack on one of their naval groups. You will take part in the destruction of one such convoy, flying escort to our bombers.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM lmaokai88 55,495 21 Victory Hard October 9, 2014
2. FA Licah Fox 35,876 13 Victory Hard August 16, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: In a head-on fight between an A-W and a SPC, the SPC wins. But the A-W does hull damage to the SPC.
3. BGN Hermus Dogan 32,650 10 Victory Hard September 11, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Improved my score a bit. Sometimes you have the perfect setup, sometimes you're obliterated before you know what happened.
4. 1LT Jarik Nyine 32,310 10 Victory Hard September 3, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Updated score, completed finally in hard. Training is finally getting me better :P
5. LCL Jay Forerunner 29,580 7 Victory Hard August 29, 2011 Official Tour Score
6. ADM Kirghy Lommax 26,990 7 Victory Hard August 30, 2011 Official Tour Score
7. LCL jelf boom 21,010 10 Victory Medium August 28, 2011 Official Tour Score
8. ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk 19,340 6 Victory Medium August 31, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Yarr, I decided to give it a last minute fly to get in some SP, :P.
9. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 18,725 5 Victory Medium September 14, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: first run
10. BGN Naesa Draw 15,890 3 Victory Medium August 29, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Got the MC really quick, and started telling my wingmates to leave so I could mop up the few remaining GUNs for the points.

Then Imps: round two showed up. They just rushed me, and the rest of the squad that was left was too far out or something.
11. CMDR Mia StormChaser 14,835 3 Victory Medium August 29, 2011 Official Tour Score
12. COL Brig Dolaree 14,375 3 Victory Medium August 23, 2011 Official Tour Score
13. CMDR Rahm Nyko 0 0 Loss Hard August 31, 2011 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 9.3

10 by 1LT Jarik Nyine on August 27, 2011
Perfect balance between assaulting and defending forces, the Y-Wings get wiped out too soon in hard though.
9 by BGN Hermus Dogan on August 26, 2011
Fun mission. On hard those GUNs are outright bloodthirsty, especially the reinforcement wave that targets you alone. Try to focus on taking out the GUNs shooting up the Y-Wings, or most of the convoy will survive. Not easy to take out a corvette in an A-Wing while a horde of GUNs are on your tail.
9 by FA Licah Fox on August 16, 2011
Very fun mission, mostly due to its difficulty. Could earn a final point if you started off farther away from the convoy, instead of the hectic beginning. Though, that would add to the MC time, which is under three minutes and very helpful for repeat attempts.

Enjoyed the aftermath. Damn SPCs!