Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

Empire at War

FA Michael Raven

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 110b: Prisoner Rescue at Maxite 0 19 March 22, 2008
VSG 108b: Retreat From Fersto 0 16 December 9, 2007
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 18,320 10 October 26, 2007
VSG 106b: Death to Heretics 0 26 September 3, 2007
VSG 105b: Redemption or Annihilation 22,398 4 July 9, 2007
VSG 104b: Supplies Convoy 19,100 7 May 20, 2007
VSG 103b: Planetary Defence 35,975 6 March 31, 2007
VSG 102b: Reconaissance 20,000 27 February 23, 2007
VSG 101b: Battle of Blerthmore 50,295 3 December 4, 2006
Total Score 166,088 9 Reports

Empire at War

Mission Score Rank Reported
RID 112: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 0 24 July 5, 2008
RID 111: Taking Control of Delerite 3,453 1 May 11, 2008
RID 108: Evacuating Aphene 3,376 1 December 4, 2007
RID 105: Redemption or Annihilation? 2,712 1 October 25, 2007
RID 106: Hitting their Supply Bunkers 9,491 1 October 25, 2007
RID 107: Hexos Convoy Strike 3,161 1 October 25, 2007
RID 104: Supplies Convoy 2,941 1 April 29, 2007
RID 103: Our New Base of Operations 5,749 1 April 1, 2007
RID 102: Defense of the Subterrel Strike Force 6,377 2 February 23, 2007
RID 101: Battle of Blerthmore 2,054 3 December 26, 2006
RID 004 1,000 12 November 28, 2006
RID 003 1,000 2 October 23, 2006
RID 002 1,000 9 September 9, 2006
RID 001 1,000 5 July 11, 2006
Total Score 43,314 14 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 108a: Retreat at Selaris 0 21 December 8, 2008
VSG 110a: Diversion at the Maxite Belt 0 17 March 22, 2008
VSG 107a: Convoy Raid at Hexos 5,800 4 October 26, 2007
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 5,113 1 September 2, 2007
VSG 105a: Pilot Recovery 0 7 July 9, 2007
VSG 104a: Distraction 8,545 3 April 30, 2007
VSG 103a: New Base of Operations 20,889 3 March 8, 2007
VSG 102a: Reconnaissance 2,525 20 January 23, 2007
VSG 101a: Battle of Blerthmore 23,617 1 December 7, 2006
Total Score 66,489 9 Reports