Rebel Squadrons
Other Match Statistics

RS Multiplayer Hub > Non-competitive (Casual) Multiplayer Gaming > Other Match Listings

Non-Competitive other Match reported on 2015-08-29 16:39:34


Player Score Kills Deaths
FA Cyrel Vandroth () 0 0 (0) 0
LGN Eric Skrevski () 0 0 (0) 0

Extra Match Details: ARK: Survival Evolved

Approximate Match Duration: 5 hour(s) 0 minutes


Eric logged in and noticed a level 130 Spinosaur near our base. We decided to try and take it down. After Eric got eaten (by being brave enough to get close to it to get its attention), we managed to knock it unconscious with tranquilizer arrows fired from our new crossbows.

We then proceeded to spend the afternoon taming the damn thing.

While Eric made sure the beast stayed unconscious and farmed the surrounding area for stone in order to craft floors and walls for the base, I gathered the materials for additional sedatives. That involved foraging for narcoberries by the thousand, depopulating rivers of fish for raw meat, aging said meat, and crafting narcotics all to keep the darn dino sedated while it munched it's way to domesticated status. From start to finish, the whole process took about four and a half hours. We're both exhausted. (Skrev had placed a roast in a slow cooker before logging in to play. It was DONE by the time we got this ONE dino tamed.)

As to what we're going to do with it... I don't yet know. We're not even close to being high enough level to make the saddle to ride it, so until then it's likely going to be a hard earned base guardian. We'll see.

Next up is to finish the outer frame of the main base building, install and label some large storage bins, and start working on the perimeter wall.

Oh, and after this whole ordeal, we decided the spinosaur deserved a fitting name. Due to it's most likely future role of slaughtering other dinosaurs and gathering their juicy meaty bits, we named her The Butcher.
