Rebel Squadrons
X-Wing Miniatures Match Statistics

RS Multiplayer Hub > Non-competitive (Casual) Multiplayer Gaming > mini Match Listings

Non-Competitive mini Match reported on 2018-05-03 01:22:15


Player Score Kills Deaths
FA Lucas Benoit-Stark (IronManRS) 4 4 (0) 0
COL Galen McGrath (RSMcGrath) 0 0 (0) 4

Approximate Match Duration: 45 minutes


Minis game via FlyCasual. I may have to start putting a previous screenshot, but I don't think anyone is gonna think we lied about it.

Stark: Tarn, Wedge, Luke
McGrath: Cracken, Blount, Salm, Wexley

Got the win with some good rolls.
