Rebel Squadrons
Individual Member Breakdown


Beginning date: 2011-06-21 - Ending Date:2011-07-31 23:59:59

Jay Forerunner

Reporting for

Single Player Breakdown

Official Tour Missions

Mission Rank Score Kills Approved
RID 304: Hitting their Supply Bunkers (RID 106) 1 7796 28 Yes
RS 308a: Pirate Rampage (IBG 108) 1 7374 29 Yes
RS 401b: Gravity Wells on a Strike Cruiser? 1 28446 18 Pending
Total: 3


Mission Last Updated
RID 304: Hitting their Supply Bunkers (RID 106) - Read 2011-07-03 23:18:12
RS 308a: Pirate Rampage (IBG 108) - Read 2011-07-18 05:42:36
RS 401b: Gravity Wells on a Strike Cruiser? - Read 2011-06-23 09:58:58
Total: 3

Activity of the Month

Date Awarded: 2011-07-21 18:40:18
Awarded by: FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Reason: Participated in Challenge Sconn AotM. 7/21.

Points awarded for Activity of the Month: 2.0

Activity Breakdown

Simming Sessions

GM? Total hours/minutes Points Sim Name/Sim Reason
Total points (before DR):0
Total Time played:0:0

Misc. Duration Sessions

Total hours/minutes Points Reason
3 Hours, 0 minutes6.07/20/2011. Start 8pm, end 11pmish.
0 Hours, 0 minutes0.07/20/2011, Charsim ~1 hour
8 Hours, 0 minutes16.0Two Titan sims, combined 10 hours.
Total points (before DR):22.0

RSPA:TOR reports


TOR Duration Matches

Total Matches:
Total Time: 0:00

Non-competitive Reports

Standard Matches


Long Duration Matches

Total Matches:
Total Time: 0:00