Rebel Squadrons
Individual Member Breakdown


Beginning date: 2014-09-01 - Ending Date:2014-09-30 23:59:59

Ralis Solin

Reporting for Diamond Squadron

Single Player Breakdown

Official Tour Missions

Mission Rank Score Kills Approved
XWA 413: Hunting the Hunters (IBG 304) 2 6299 7 Yes
Total: 1

Other Activities subject to Diminishing Returns

Date Awarded: 2014-09-15 23:10:43
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 9/11 trivia

Date Awarded: 2014-09-29 21:40:11
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 9/25 trivia

Points awarded for other activities: 5.0

Activity Breakdown

Simming Sessions

GM? Total hours/minutes Points Sim Name/Sim Reason
Total points (before DR):0
Total Time played:0:0

Misc. Duration Sessions

Total hours/minutes Points Reason
Total points (before DR):

RSPA:TOR reports


TOR Duration Matches

Total Matches:
Total Time: 0:00

Non-competitive Reports

Standard Matches

  • 1823
  • Total: 1

    Long Duration Matches

    Matches: 1
    Total Time: 2:00
  • 1824
  • Total Matches: 1
    Total Time: 2:00