Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

TIE Fighter

MGN Jairo Pantoja

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 203b: Springing the Trap 12,030 6 April 27, 2009
VSG 202b: Convoy Escort 17,957 12 December 22, 2008
VSG 201b: Training Exercise 22,850 8 October 5, 2008
VSG 112b: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 17,526 7 July 6, 2008
VSG 111b: Picking up some Zealots 15,725 6 May 4, 2008
VSG 110b: Prisoner Rescue at Maxite 28,467 7 March 22, 2008
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 9,430 14 October 8, 2007
VSG 106b: Death to Heretics 3,357 19 August 26, 2007
VSG 104b: Supplies Convoy 0 23 May 20, 2007
VSG 102b: Reconaissance 25,385 10 February 23, 2007
RgF 412: Finding the Enemy 15,037 17 November 20, 2006
RgF 411: Base Destruction 22,881 15 October 6, 2006
RgF 410: Even The Odds 15,640 24 August 12, 2006
RgF 409: Assist the Convoy 12,257 30 July 2, 2006
Total Score 218,542 14 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PSG Xa105: Capture Gunboats 18,870 6 December 29, 2009
PSG Xa101: Restock Starfighters 25,259 5 May 25, 2009
PSG 203x: Rescue the Missile Factory 35,706 6 April 23, 2009
PSG Xa100: Narrative Only 0 2 March 1, 2009
PSG 202x: Reconnaissance 36,214 7 December 21, 2008
PSG 201x: Unification 35,988 6 November 19, 2008
GDF 105x 29,930 9 May 4, 2008
GDF 104x 24,225 9 March 23, 2008
GDF 101x 15,000 14 November 18, 2007
PBF 712x 21,067 22 October 7, 2007
PBF 711x 35,871 26 August 12, 2007
PBF 709x 37,535 17 June 3, 2007
PBF 707x 18,313 20 March 4, 2007
PBF 706x 33,166 24 January 21, 2007
PBF 705x 23,736 25 December 7, 2006
PBF 704x 42,247 27 October 9, 2006
PBF 703x 35,087 28 September 24, 2006
PBF 702x 33,107 25 August 23, 2006
PBF 701x 43,120 20 July 18, 2006
PBF 613: Bonus Ladder 43,292 3 June 26, 2006
PBF 612 46,222 15 May 26, 2006
PBF 611 44,264 17 April 17, 2006
PBF 610 33,729 24 March 8, 2006
PBF 609 28,780 17 February 12, 2006
PBF 607 27,749 17 September 9, 2005
PBF 606: Tibanna Nab 27,180 17 August 4, 2005
PBF 605: Recon Supply Depot 32,662 9 April 30, 2005
PBF 604: Stranded 27,695 30 April 6, 2005
PBF 603: Asteroid Sabacc 37,405 18 February 27, 2005
PBF 602: Quick Strike 52,533 27 January 26, 2005
PBF 601: Recon 36,288 15 December 20, 2004
PBF 512: Leaving the Expanse 40,168 26 October 30, 2004
PBF 511: Capture of Factory! 47,096 14 September 4, 2004
PBF 510: Rendevous 49,755 13 August 3, 2004
PBF 509: Torpedoes Away! 54,902 15 May 29, 2004
PBF 508: Ambuscade 28,166 30 April 4, 2004
PBF 507: Snatching Contraband 45,825 7 February 29, 2004
PBF 506: Valor's Waypoint 40,948 16 December 28, 2003
PBF 505: Waypoints 43,428 10 November 22, 2003
PBF 504: Awaiting Reinforcements 47,130 15 October 4, 2003
PBF 503: Counter Ambush 74,136 28 August 16, 2003
PBF 502: Convoy Escort 20,045 35 June 28, 2003
PBF 501: The Cadrel Expanse 36,793 25 May 30, 2003
PBF 411: Clean Sweep 53,021 33 March 26, 2003
PBF 410: Counter Attack 42,265 51 February 23, 2003
PBF 409: White Guard Attack 43,322 29 January 25, 2003
PBF 408: Supply Line Cut 51,814 15 November 2, 2002
PBF 407: Repay the Favor 59,756 13 September 29, 2002
PBF 406: Scramble 33,426 39 August 25, 2002
PBF 405: Turn the Tide 35,765 12 July 28, 2002
PBF 404: The Rendevous 85,878 15 June 24, 2002
PBF 403: Rendevous with the White Guard 38,491 9 May 25, 2002
PBF 402: Construction Yard Raid 61,028 20 April 30, 2002
PBF 401 36,090 17 March 30, 2002
PBF 312: Endgame 44,332 17 February 28, 2002
PBF 310: Save our new frigate!! 37,576 31 December 7, 2001
PBF 309: Capture the Black Rain II 33,147 22 October 14, 2001
PBF 308: Protect Convoy 26,483 37 August 31, 2001
PBF 306: Destroy supplies 23,006 18 May 31, 2001
PBF 305: Moving Day 19,921 27 April 30, 2001
PBF 304: Scout 32,551 40 February 28, 2001
PBF 303: Convoy 34,692 23 January 15, 2001
PBF 302 20,122 21 November 1, 2000
PBF 301: Guard the CRS Windstorm! 19,239 22 October 31, 2000
PBF 212: Finale Repair 19,613 35 September 30, 2000
PBF 211: Escape! 23,618 41 August 31, 2000
PBF 210 37,046 34 July 31, 2000
PBF 208 38,760 9 May 31, 2000
PBF 207 25,776 29 April 30, 2000
PBF 206 23,163 25 February 28, 2000
PBF 205: Recover Corvette 29,436 15 January 31, 2000
PBF 204: Race to Death 18,006 47 November 30, 1999
PBF 203: Shipyard Raid 27,314 10 October 31, 1999
PBF 202: Ambushed Again 34,053 15 September 30, 1999
PBF 201: Minos Conflict Over? 7,347 59 August 31, 1999
Total Score 2,626,689 75 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
GDF 105t 12,151 6 May 4, 2008
GDF 104t 16,930 3 March 23, 2008
PBF 712t 6,406 10 October 8, 2007
PBF 711t 3,986 8 August 13, 2007
PBF 709t 19,757 11 June 4, 2007
PBF 707t 39,006 13 March 4, 2007
PBF 705t 32,713 9 December 9, 2006
PBF 704t 41,544 1 October 9, 2006
Total Score 172,493 8 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 104a: Distraction 0 29 May 20, 2007
Total Score 0 1 Report