Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


COL Brig Dolaree

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
XvT 312: Final Strike (RgF 111.3) 16,076 7 June 2, 2012
RS 309b: The Empire Strikes Back (RgF 109) 18,962 10 November 25, 2011
RgF 102 23,847 22 September 9, 2011
RgF 101 21,840 14 September 9, 2011
RS 308b: Convoy Strike (RgF 108) 14,375 12 August 23, 2011
RS 401b: Gravity Wells on a Strike Cruiser? 15,196 4 July 9, 2011
VSG 203b: Springing the Trap 0 13 April 27, 2009
VSG 201b: Training Exercise 2,500 11 September 16, 2008
VSG 112b: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 17,273 9 July 6, 2008
VSG 111b: Picking up some Zealots 17,580 5 April 21, 2008
RgF 402: Recon the Base 0 23 March 25, 2005
RgF 312 8,510 21 December 25, 2004
RgF 311 22,537 11 October 30, 2004
RgF 310 2,440 22 September 30, 2004
RgF 309 15,063 19 July 31, 2004
RgF 308 -180 19 May 25, 2004
RgF 307 12,830 28 April 15, 2004
RgF 306 8,342 20 March 15, 2004
RgF 302 -3,340 26 October 3, 2003
RgF 301 1,655 28 September 4, 2003
Total Score 215,506 20 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PSG Xa115: Ram on Loan 15,205 8 November 25, 2011
PSG Xa114: Harrassment II 0 11 August 12, 2011
OP 1: Destroy Imperial Convoy 22,296 6 July 26, 2011
PSG Xa113: Harassment 0 11 July 3, 2011
PSG 202x: Reconnaissance 15,000 12 December 20, 2008
GDF 106x: Driven to Peril 8,303 10 June 8, 2008
PBF 604: Stranded 0 48 April 6, 2005
PBF 603: Asteroid Sabacc 4,157 46 February 27, 2005
PBF 602: Quick Strike 34,581 42 January 26, 2005
Total Score 99,542 9 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
XWA 402: Elornia System Recon (IBG 202) 1,763 12 June 2, 2012
RS 310a: Destroy System Defenses (IBG 110) 2,744 7 November 25, 2011
RS 309a: Supply Raid (IBG 109) 2,053 13 September 1, 2011
RS 308a: Pirate Rampage (IBG 108) 3,426 3 July 9, 2011
VSG 202a: Search for the Pirates 3,446 10 December 21, 2008
VSG 201a: Tarsonis Patrol 5,203 5 September 16, 2008
VSG 112a: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 6,687 10 June 23, 2008
VSG 111a: Convoy Escort 5,136 8 April 21, 2008
IBG 507: Escorting the Rebel Fist 338 19 August 15, 2005
IBG 504: The Imperial Base 1,377 16 March 17, 2005
IBG 503: Protect Our Convoy 1,590 4 January 16, 2005
IBG 502: Bring Her Home 454 7 December 3, 2004
IBG 501: Under Attack 6,430 13 November 6, 2004
IBG 409: The Aftermath 700 15 September 20, 2004
IBG 408: Save the Base! 8,739 16 August 5, 2004
IBG 407: Under Attack 5,531 6 June 30, 2004
IBG 406: They're after our Base! 2,534 19 May 31, 2004
IBG 405: Going into Battle 3,240 27 April 30, 2004
IBG 404: The Imperial Force 2,699 13 March 31, 2004
IBG 403: Where are the Imperials? 4,555 4 February 29, 2004
IBG 402: Replacement Fighters 3,937 4 January 31, 2004
Total Score 72,582 21 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
PSG Ta115: Grav{e}ity 7,349 8 November 21, 2011
PSG Ta114: Good News? 0 11 August 12, 2011
PSG Ta113: Grey Tribulation 0 8 June 28, 2011
GDF 106t: Driven to Peril 15,737 5 June 8, 2008
Total Score 23,086 4 Reports

Empire at War

Mission Score Rank Reported
EaW 309: Ord Vaxal 1,005 2 June 2, 2012
RID 107: Hexos Convoy Strike 2,119 10 November 26, 2011
RID 106: Hitting their Supply Bunkers 4,147 10 November 26, 2011
RID 105: Redemption or Annihilation? 1,640 15 November 25, 2011
RID 104: Supplies Convoy 1,552 16 November 25, 2011
RID 102: Defense of the Subterrel Strike Force 3,475 16 November 25, 2011
RID 101: Battle of Blerthmore 2,202 2 November 25, 2011
RID 004 2,326 3 November 25, 2011
RID 003 400 9 November 25, 2011
RID 002 1,480 1 November 25, 2011
RID 001 2,107 3 November 24, 2011
RID 305: Our New Base of Operations (RID 103) 4,987 5 November 21, 2011
RID 403 1,973 6 August 23, 2011
RID 304: Hitting their Supply Bunkers (RID 106) 7,201 2 July 3, 2011
RID 202: Flushing out Pirates 556 10 December 21, 2008
RID 201 2,301 3 October 6, 2008
RID 112: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 5,682 9 June 10, 2008
Total Score 45,153 17 Reports