<Borsk> you haveth the...PINK EYE! :P
<`Jester> Apoc: Don't stick your finger in it
<COL_Apoc> ROFL!
<Cay-Qel> ty
* COL_Apoc looks at Shik
<COL_Apoc> LOL!
<COL_Apoc> Well, I think the cause of the injury was pink...but you know, not sure it was kinda dark.
<ADM-Shik> lol
<ADM-Shik> you shoulda got a good look at it
<COL_Apoc> Dude, it was right in my eye. I couldn't get a good light view :-P
<ADM-Shik> heh
<ADM-Shik> what if it managed to be a few inches lower and centered? :P
<COL_Apoc> Well...then maybe,
<`Jester> You should tell Sconn to be more careful about where he shoves his wang
<COL_Apoc> but its a moot point :-P
<COL_Apoc> Jest...not a wang.
* COL_Apoc looks around
<COL_Apoc> and not a cunt either.