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Historical Rosters
Please select the squadron whose historical rosters you wish to view:
212th Wampas (RF) - 4
A Drunk Squadron (RF) - 4
Academy Recruit Training (Academy) - 17
Alathera Platoon (RSCD) - 35
Allegience (Academy) - 15
Alter (ABG) - 6
Antinko (VF) - 2
Armortech (TOR) - 11
Armstech (TOR) - 2
Artifice (TOR) - 20
Aurora Special Forces (AF) - 2
Battlers Platoon (RSCD) - 56
Beginners Path - D (Academy) - 124
Biochem (TOR) - 4
Blood Squad (AF) - 2
Blue Squadron (PSG) - 27
Bounty Hunters (TOR) - 11
Citadel (ABG) - 27
Commando Boot Camp (Academy) - 52
Consular Squadron (RF) - 5
Control (ABG) - 9
Corsair Squad (AF) - 6
Crimson Squadron (PSG) - 2
CSDB Access (Execs) - 40
Cybertech (TOR) - 6
Dagger Squadron (VSG) - 24
Dagger Squadron (RS) - 47
Defender Squadron (RF) - 5
Diamond Squadron (RS) - 68
Dispositional A (Academy) - 74
Dragon Squadron (VSG) - 25
Fantasy League (RF) - 3
FireClaw Squadron (PSG) - 23
FireClaw Squadron (RS) - 22
Fireteam A () - 2
Fireteam B () - 2
Fireteam C () - 3
Fireteam D () - 3
Fireteam E () - 2
GM Schooling (ABG) - 2
Gold Squadron (PSG) - 17
Green Ghost (VF) - 12
Green Squad (VF) - 15
Green Squadron (PSG) - 11
Grey (RS) - 3
Harbinger Squad (AF) - 5
Harbinger Squadron (VF) - 8
High Command Aldermen (Execs) - 53
Hydra Squadron (PSG) - 14
Immersive Gaming Task Force Leaders (Execs) - 37
Imperial Agents (TOR) - 10
Intro Squad - A (Academy) - 329
Intro Squad - B (Academy) - 291
Intro Squad - C (Academy) - 266
ITOD Squadron (PSG) - 3
ITOD Team (VSG) - 12
Jedi (RF) - 2
Jedi Consular (TOR) - 41
Jedi Knight (TOR) - 42
Jedi Knights (RSCD) - 29
Kessel Company (RF) - 2
Lancer (ABG) - 12
Legacy Gaming Task Force Leaders (Execs) - 44
Liaison People (VF) - 8
Lightning Squad (AF) - 3
Marshall Squadron (VSG) - 14
MBTD Staff (Academy) - 5
Mission Builders (Execs) - 14
Modern Gaming Task Force Leaders (Execs) - 39
Nebula Squad (AF) - 3
New Horizon Designs (VF) - 9
New Squadron (RF) - 2
New Squadron (RF) - 2
Obelisk Squadron (RF) - 3
Officer Training School A (Academy) - 71
Officer Training School B (Academy) - 11
Officer Training School C (Academy) - 33
Officer Training School D (Academy) - 8
Padawan (RF) - 2
Padawan Chambers (rs) - 28
Perspectives (ABG) - 5
Phalcun Squadron (VSG) - 11
Phantom Corps (ABG) - 2
Platform Coordinators (Execs) - 117
Protector Squadron (RF) - 7
Ragnarok Squadron (VSG) - 17
Rapier (ABG) - 20
Red Dagger Squadron (RS) - 36
Red Dragon Squadron (VSG) - 34
Red Dragon Squadron (RS) - 109
Red Squadron (PSG) - 35
Red Squadron (RS) - 85
Redstar Squad (AF) - 6
Renegade (ABG) - 11
Renegade Squadron (RS) - 32
Report Receivers (Execs) - 45
Resurrection Squadron (VSG) - 12
Resurrection Squadron (RS) - 41
RSPA Cadets (VF) - 22
Sabre (VF) - 13
Scythe (ABG) - 10
Second Generation (AF) - 2
Senior Executive Staff (Execs) - 88
Sense (ABG) - 11
Sith Inquisitors (TOR) - 9
Sith Warriors (TOR) - 6
Smuggler (TOR) - 27
Special Advisors (Execs) - 27
Synthweaving (TOR) - 14
Tactician Training (Academy) - 104
Task Force Chisha (RID) - 62
Task Force Command (ABG) - 1
Task Force Kisama (RID) - 2
Task Force Ninjin (RID) - 39
Task Force Shochu (RID) - 37
Task Force Usagi (RID) - 19
The Academy (RS) - 146
The Cool Kids (RF) - 16
The Internet Office (Execs) - 48
The Logistics Office (Execs) - 28
The Operations Office (Execs) - 47
Training Squad 1 (ABG) - 67
Training Squad 2 (ABG) - 29
Training Squad 3 (ABG) - 11
Trooper (TOR) - 34
undecided, unguilded, or plan to guild at some point (TOR) - 63
Vengeance Platoon (ABG) - 2
Warrior Guard Platoon (RSCD) - 42
Wildcard Squadron (RS) - 78
X-Wing & TIE Fighter (Academy) - 47
XvT & XWA (Academy) - 47
XvTED Acad (Academy) - 23
Zealot (RS) - 32
Zealot First Squad (Zealot) - 7
Zealot Second Squad (Zealot) - 9
Zealot Squad Three (Zealot) - 12
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State of the Rebel Squadrons, April 1, 2021
FA Lucas Benoit-Stark
State of the Rebel Squadrons - February 2021
FA Michael Raven
New Year Update
FA Michael Raven
Early November Update - Staff Positions and Squadrons
FA Michael Raven
Greetings From The FC
FA Michael Raven