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#1124 (-3) - Posted by COL Borsk Kun
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* Kweh walks off back to the Janitor's Office. <Borsk> Don't forget to give Rahj his daily anal masturbation like you promised. <Borsk> You are Rahj's bitch, remember? * Borsk points in the direction of Rahj's office * Kweh goes to Rahj's Office. <Toran> Give him time, Borsk, he still thinks his identity changes with nick changes :P * Kweh stays in there for a second as glass breaks, punches are heard thrown, and then walks back out without a scratch. <Borsk> beat up his cat... * Kweh then falls over with giant claw in his back. <Borsk> Well, looks like the cat beat your ass. <Toran> That cat was heavily medicated after the speeder accident, too, what a pussy :P * Borsk watches Rahj's cat drag Tyr back into the office and strange unholy sounds are heard coming out :P* Kweh screams as Rahj's cat penetrates him in 6 places, he didnt even know he HAD. * Kweh comes out, claw marks all over him with giant claw holes.

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