<`JK_Rich> I bet you didn't get an NL out every week. :P
<Vender> Now I just have no choice. Bah!
<`JK_Rich> maybe 2 or 3 a month. :P
<VA_Raptor> lol.. no, those NL's were monthly
<VA_Raptor> They were hard as hell to whip up
<`Pluto> if i get one out a month i feel like i'm doing good
<VA_Raptor> Fleet NL's came out more often
* Vender does his bi-weekly, though he could do them daily if he wanted to.. :p
<`JK_Rich> hmmm
<VA_Raptor> bi-weekly NL's? sweet crap
<Vender> Yeah. Plus Killboard&News Updates every 3-4 days.
<`Pluto> * Vender types: "...and today was another exciting day. I sat on my ass and ate a ham sandwich. Activity these past 24 hours has been low..."
<VA_Raptor> ROFL
<Vender> that's ham SAMICH to you, buddy.
<VA_Raptor> Crap.. I laughed at something Pluto said
<`Pluto> heh
<Vender> someone should quote that.. :p