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#1140 (5) - Posted by LCM Robert E. Jensen
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<Kelron> "I say two weeks to get the group rested."
<Kelron> "After that, we head in hard and fast."
<CMR_Randy> "Don't you think we should use protection?"
<Kelron> "We have enough protection right here ::taps the head:: where it counts."
<CMR_Randy> "But what if we don't pull out on time?"
<Kelron> "Oh we will, we'll know when its time to pull out."
<CMR_Randy> "Good, we don't want any accidents."
<Kelron> "Agreed, the concenquences of that are huge. I don't think I could live with those for the rest of my life."
<CMR_Randy> "Yeah. Well, from the sound of this things could get a little rough."<CMR_Randy> "But ya know, I like it rough."
<Kelron> "Its definetly going to be a tight situation...and I agree, rough is so much more fun."
<CMR_Randy> "Just as long as it doesn;t get too rough, cause it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."
<Kelron> "I agree 100%, thats why when you're doin it, you gotta be sure everything is set to go, and all parties know of the dangers of doing it too rough."
<Kelron> "Espically when we go int the back door."
<CMR_Randy> "Yeah, cause that can get downright messy."
<CMR_Randy> "If we screw up then they shavit all over us."
<Kelron> "The trick is to be sure they've done their business before we get to ours."
<CMR_Randy> "Well, I just hope that this thing doesn't get ugly."<Kelron> "I'd rather pull out early than too late, cause pulling out late can caus complications."
<Kelron> "Espically with the shield."
<CMR_Randy> "Yeah, pulling out late is a very dangerous thing, you never know what exactlys gonna happen."
<CMR_Randy> "Ok, thanks. I definately think we need to do it, it sounds like fun."
<Kelron> "Hell yeah, and no problem."
<CMR_Randy> "But for now I'm gonna go get some Caf and then take a cold shower... it's kinda hot in here."
<Kelron> "I think a cold shower is definetly in order."

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