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#1169 (4) - Posted by ADM Kirghy Lommax
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[22:34] <`Kaz> That book was almost as bad as Darksaber
[22:34] <Kirghy> lol
[22:34] <`Davery> LOL
[22:34] <`Davery> nothing was quite as bad as Darksaber, however
[22:34] <`Kaz> no...
[22:35] <Kirghy> I love the fact that they mention the fact that the Ssi'ruk debris are "hot" but that never comes into play.
[22:35] <`Kaz> With KJA and his "thousands and thousands" of tie bombers on an SSD
[22:35] <Kerensky> Heh
[22:35] <`Kaz> Or the VSD fighters
[22:35] <Kerensky> didnt you know?
[22:35] <`Kaz> Swarming around at high speed
[22:35] <`Davery> Or the cloaked ultra mega Super Star Destroyer
[22:35] <Kerensky> it was the Super Bomber Carrier Star Destroyer.
[22:35] <`Kaz> Not cloaked
[22:35] <`Kaz> It had invisible paint
[22:35] <Kirghy> o.O
[22:35] <`Kaz> All the VSDs were painted red
[22:35] <Kirghy> I'm glad I havent' read that one.
[22:36] <`Kaz> And 70 of them attacked 12 ISDs like fighters
[22:36] <`Pluto> damn them for stealing my ideas!
[22:36] <`Davery> lol
[22:36] <Kerensky> Whoosh!
[22:36] <`Davery> Swooping in and firing like crazy
[22:36] *** Sconn has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:36] <`Davery> They went so fast the ISD's couldn't even target them
[22:36] <Kerensky> Those old rickety ships are fast, you know
[22:36] <`Kaz> I f*cking hate KJA
[22:36] <`Kaz> He's what's wrong with books in general, SW or not
[22:36] <Kerensky> heh..
[22:37] <`Kaz> Does it take that long to read a technical readout or two?
[22:37] <Kerensky> Dont forget that one series of his, the jedi apprentice training sh*t series.
[22:37] <`Davery> apparently it does
[22:37] <`Kaz> Im not even touching the whole "Hutt builds a death star but it's not really a deathstar just the laser part"
[22:37] <Kerensky> I found that book funny.
[22:37] <Kerensky> I mean..litttle rodents stealing the death star plans?
[22:38] <`Davery> rofl
[22:38] <`Davery> not really a deathstar
[22:38] <`Davery> And that one scientist guy that they kept kiling
[22:38] <`Kaz> With bugs
[22:38] <Kerensky> from a heavily guarded computer. which just happened to be in like some sorta senate building....even though anyone with an ounce of sense wouldnt keep files that sensitive in such a place?
[22:38] <Kerensky> Poor Bevel.
[22:39] <Kerensky> I actually felt sorry for that character.
[22:39] <Kerensky> "you screwed up. Time to die" "Sh*t, not again"
[22:39] <`Davery> Of course there was also brain-in-jar monks
[22:39] <Kerensky> those were in RotJ though.
[22:39] <Kerensky> well..for about 2 seconds
[22:39] <Kirghy> yeah, but they're cannon.
[22:40] <Kerensky> Of course..I suppose kyp wasnt so bad.
[22:40] <Kerensky> I mean, a jedi who blew up a few star systems?
[22:40] <Kirghy> lol
[22:40] <Kerensky> just cause he was an angsty teen?
[22:40] <Kerensky> hey, sounds cool to me.
[22:40] <`Pluto> give me a weapon powerful enough and i'd be tempted
[22:40] <Kerensky> ..except for the whole part of using the force to pull the ship out of yavin
[22:40] <`Davery> in RotJ there was one spider liek thing that LOOKED like it had a jar on it
[22:41] *** Vendzor has joined #auroraforce
[22:41] <`Davery> Not a whole community of monks :P
[22:41] <`Pluto> 'specially if i was all angsty
[22:41] <Kerensky> that was stupid.
[22:41] <`Kaz> ....Im not....going to....start on...the sun crusher
[22:41] <`Kaz> Im just....not
[22:41] <`Kaz> when a death star chased it
[22:41] <Kerensky> ....true. A death star chasing it..
[22:41] <Kerensky> that was a little..far fetched.
[22:41] <Vendzor> ..?
[22:41] <Kerensky> we're ripping on KJA, vender
[22:41] <Vendzor> When did that happen?
[22:42] <Vendzor> He's an ass.
[22:42] <Kirghy> 'nuff said
[22:42] <Kerensky> Thank you, you are welcome to the conversation now
[22:42] <Vendzor> He had a DS chasing..wait..the fact that he had a DS at all..
[22:42] <`Kaz> Yeah
[22:42] <`Kaz> It was a secret unfinished one
[22:42] <Kerensky> And a whole secret labratory.
[22:42] <Vendzor> Riiiight.
[22:42] <`Kaz> Stolen from a lab in the middle of a bunch of black holes
[22:43] <`Kaz> See, the sun crusher tricked the death star into falling in one
[22:43] <`Kaz> Then it sped away from the black hole
[22:43] <`Kaz> Cause you know, that's perfectly logical
[22:43] <Vendzor> lol
[22:43] <Kerensky> Yeah.
[22:43] <`Kaz> They f*cking bend time
[22:43] <`Kaz> But a spaceship can run away
[22:43] <Kerensky> doesnt matter that at those ranges, they all should have been burnt crispy by the radiation
[22:43] <`Kaz> Oh
[22:44] <`Kaz> Dont forget the sun crusher has invincible armor
[22:44] <`Kaz> And the death star can shoot it
[22:44] <Vendzor> rofl
[22:44] <Kerensky> ...I think the whole ramming through a star destroyer was cool thoguh.
[22:44] <Kerensky> ..of course, i find it hard to believe that didnt tear every weapon off the ship, as well as ruin the launcher.
[22:45] <`Kaz> Course not
[22:45] <`Kaz> It's got QUANTUM ARMOR
[22:45] <`Kaz> Which is INVINCIBLE
[22:45] <Kerensky> Yeah. He DID ride out a supernova..
[22:45] <Kerensky> didnt he have the door open?
[22:45] <Kirghy> lol
[22:46] <Kerensky> survived a supernova..with the door open.

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