* Darkslime is now known as DSNihongo
* Himm hides under the table
* DSNihongo pulls out a datapad, and brings up japanese lessons
<DSNihongo> You can come out now, I'm done with the milk :)
* Himm stuffs his own ears with dried strawberries
<DSNihongo> heh.. you better plug your ears
* Himm consider teaching Darkslime some Norwegian
<Himm> that's almost as bad as japanese
<DSNihongo> Hajimemaste, Namiko desu.
<DSNihongo> Doozo yoroshiku.
<DSNihongo> cut and paste doesn't really work with carraige returns involved
<Himm> men jeg kan også mange vanskelige uttrykk
<Himm> tør du prøve på dem?
<Himm> favorittordet er selvsagt angstskrik
<DSNihongo> shizumeru!!!
<DSNihongo> watashi wa noruweijan wakaru!!
<Himm> ja, jeg liker også hvalkjøtt!
<DSNihongo> shizumeru, baka no hito!!
* Himm enjoys the conversation
<Himm> luere på hvorfor japanere bruker doble anførselstegn?
<DSNihongo> watashi wa iu anata o!
<DSNihongo> watashi wa noruweijan wakaru!
<Himm> det samme sa du i stad!
<Himm> vær litt mer kreativ :)
<DSNihongo> shimatta... baka no hito... SHIZUMERU!!!
<Himm> du høres ut som et helt nintendospill aleine
<DSNihongo> nintendo?
<Himm> lol
<Himm> I said that you sound as a nintendo game
<DSNihongo> kore wa nekkyo
<DSNihongo> heh