<Reabel> time for a ghost story
<Reabel> i was flying a scouting mission one day...
<Reabel> i was prepared to jump to light speed.
<Reabel> right before i engaged the drives, i heard strange noise, kinda like a mosquitoe flying past your ear
<Reabel> anyways, i went into light speed for about a minute..
<Reabel> when i came out, i was in the middle of this massive battle
<Reabel> ships all over the place, both destroyed and dying
<Reabel> ships that look damn-near impossible.
* Phil_Dark (Yavin@host217-43-67-148.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) has
joined #IBG
<Reabel> anyways i decided to jump back to light speed, heading back to the base..
<Reabel> the weird thing is...when i got back...nothing was there..
<Reabel> the coordinates were right and everything, but nothing was there..
<Reabel> all of a sudden, this gigantic ship dropped out of light speed...
<Reabel> it was weird...the ship looked like an up-side-down spoon
* XtremeAfk (xtremegene@ has joined #IBG
<Reabel> it fired some weird weapon at me..
<Reabel> there was a bright light
<Reabel> then all of a sudden i was back
<Brig_D> and then what happened
<Reabel> everything was there...
<Reabel> and when i checked in, everyone was like .. "where the hell have you been?"
<Reabel> they said i was gone for 3 weeks
<Reabel> it felt like 10 minutes
<Brig_D> that is strange
<Reabel> and...even weirder...i gained 20 pounds
<Brig_D> !!!
* Reabelati (~ryanreabe@64-235-207-135.broadband.ripnet.com) Quit (Quit: System Flood)
<Reabel> i analuzed my droid a bit, looked at the data..
<Reabel> seems that i over shot my exit point, and shot throught a star..
<Reabel> it was some really weird data i found..
<Brig_D> it sounds like it
<Reabel> like...it seems like i was sent to another galxy..
<Reabel> galaxy*
<Reabel> and also..
<Reabel> the sensor readings i found about that ship..
<Reabel> on the top of the ship, there was a name..
<Reabel> uss enterprise...
<Reabel> weird eh?
<Reabel> i still dont know what that buzzing noise was..
<Brig_D> very wierd
<Reabel> makes ya think about all those MIA people..
<Reabel> what really happened to them