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#1564 (41) - Posted by MGN Rekio Corsair
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<GEN_Raven> Oh yeah
<GEN_Raven> apparantly ANOTHER professor thinks im crazy
<GEN_Raven> I went to one of the LA professors that deals with population studies and asked him for some growth models
<GEN_Raven> he asked me for what...
<GEN_Raven> I explained...
<GEN_Raven> ... he kicked me out of his office
* Vaughan99 laughs
<Vaughan99> He . . . kicked you out of his office?
<Vaughan99> Haha
* Vaughan99 shakes his head
<Vaughan99> Did you kick his ass? :P
<GEN_Raven> no I stood outside his office, waited 5 minutes
<GEN_Raven> and knocked again
<GEN_Raven> he opened the door, looked at me... and shut it in my face and locked it
<GEN_Raven> So... I figure I win
<GEN_Raven> which makes me 1-0 for the day
* Vaughan99 laughs!
<Vaughan99> You made a professor lock himself in his office?
<Vaughan99> Hahahaha
<Vaughan99> That's awesome
<Vaughan99> You should get a medal or something for that
<Vaughan99> Rekio, you're Medals Officer
<Vaughan99> Find something appropriate
<Vaughan99> Although it may be a whole new level of awesome beyond anything we currently have
<GEN_Raven> man, I was just trying to be a good ALO!
<GEN_Raven> I'm going to find another professor after my physics class
<Vaughan99> You could repackage it into a context more easily consumed by 'the norms'
<Vaughan99> Such as -- fiction writer :P
<GEN_Raven> fuck that
<Vaughan99> Yes, but you get what you want :P
<GEN_Raven> "I need to make up planetary information for an online group dealing with the logistics of a multi-sector spacial organization in the Star Wars universe. Population charts plz?"

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