Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


PSG Tour A1 (XW)
PSG Xa113: Harassment

By ADM Castor Efrata-Landis

Player Craft: A-wing

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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 78,677 36 Victory July 23, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Obliterated the two TIEs I missed this time around. Good mission to practice fighting swarms of TIE Advanced.
2. FA Licah Fox 78,567 36 Victory July 23, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Going for high accuracy while fending off T/As is hard as nails.
3. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 78,461 36 Victory July 24, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: General: Spokes, Dagger 6
Scoring table PBF Standard
Pilot file name RS113H.PLT
Pilot file type X-Wing 95
Pilot status OK
Pilot rank Flight Officer
Pilot rating Ace
In-game score 223013
PBF standard score 78461

Kalidor Crescent awards:
Kalidor Crescent

Missions complete:
Tour 1 1

Kills: 36
T/A 26

Lasers/Ions fired 1915
Laser/Ion craft hits 1276
Laser accuracy 66%
Missile accuracy 0%

Nice balance: Frigate easy to hit and TA hard to hit.
4. GEN Damon Lightwind 78,326 36 Victory July 20, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: "I feel the need....the need for Speed!" There are times were the best weapon on an A-Wing is her Speed and knowing how to use it gives you the edge. This run is a good example of that and mixed with some patients you can take down anything or survive huge odds. This one has all of this and if you're not careful you can become overwhelmed very quickly.
5. ADM Kirghy Lommax 62,488 36 Loss July 24, 2011 Official Tour Score
6. 2LT Dragos Lightheart 32,315 16 Victory July 24, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: T/As I can handle, may take a bit to take them down but I got as many as I can. Containers taken out and all IDed. T/As, containers, a corvette and a friggete is a bit hard for me made me scared and decided to ID the friggete and hyped out with a bit of rear shield damage. I'm just happy i got a MC on this because it took me a few tries.
7. BGN Ray Djo 30,206 15 Victory June 22, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Not bad... I can actually work with this one! Fictionally, too! I killed off the first 6 TA's... which for me is pretty impressive... and then i think i got a few more... i dont really remember. I know i ended up with a group of 7 and then another group of 3 or so... and got i think one of them and decided that 10TA's, a FRG, and a CRVT was just a bit too much so I decided to just blow up the containers and Jet like my hiney was on fire! WooHoo!
8. CMDR Mia StormChaser 10,178 8 Victory July 20, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: It took three goes, but finally a victory :) I hate TIE Advanced!
9. LCL jelf boom 2,808 4 Loss July 1, 2011 Official Tour Score
10. COL Brig Dolaree 0 4 Loss July 3, 2011 Official Tour Score
11. CMDR Rahm Nyko 0 14 Loss July 24, 2011 Official Tour Score
12. CPT James StarGazer 0 0 Loss July 31, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Narrative Only

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Average rating: 8.8

10 by FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran on July 24, 2011
nicely balanced
7 by 2LT Dragos Lightheart on July 24, 2011
Challenging for me, a bit overloaded with T/As
9 by FA Licah Fox on July 23, 2011
Good ... and very fun! I enjoy slashing through wave after wave of T/As while in an A-W. If the pilot's ship were a Y-W, this mission would be hellish. (ComTac idea?) There isn't any stressful racing to accomplish tasks in this mission, simply a battle between you and everything out to destroy you or be destroyed in turn. You can concentrate on wiping out each ship as it comes.

For the large forces arrayed against you after the Frigate arrives, it would have been far harder to additionally fight some Gunboats, or anything with Missiles. I was rarely in any trouble from the T/As' lasers alone. Still, fun to imagine the T/A pilots' fear as, one by one, they were all blasted ... Also, it would seem to make sense to send in multiple A-Ws for this mission, since it involves destroying the containers as well. Those are my only small quibbles.

By the way, I didn't identify everything the first time - should have read the briefing more carefully. The frigate didn't appear and I sat around for a while, ate some Turkish Delight, then hypered out to try again. That'll teach me to skim briefings!

Thanks for the mission -
9 by BGN Hermus Dogan on July 22, 2011
Pretty solid mission to solo in an A-Wing. I found the complete reliance on player actions to trigger enemy arrivals a bit odd, though.
10 by GEN Damon Lightwind on July 19, 2011
This was a real test and I Harassed everything....Well after I fought my out of a real jam having to face down about 10 T/A's at once!...LOL I had a blast though doing it!
8 by BGN Ray Djo on June 22, 2011
not too bad! The only mission this month that I could pass!