Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


PSG Tour A1 (XW)
PSG Xa117: Freight Train

By ADM Castor Efrata-Landis

Player Craft: A-wing

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Mission 3.17 ‑ Freight Train
(originally released 08/09/97)

::Castor scowl's at the data pad in front of him, as if in deep in thought.  He updates the information there and reads while the combat pilots assemble.  A few minutes go by, after everyone has entered, while Castor continues uninterrupted in his train of thought::

::Finally, Castor looks up, as if he just realized that the pilots were present, and gives another slight scowl at no one in particular, clears his throat and begins::

Congratulations!  We have Emerald and Opaline in custody, and are in a condition of maximum security.  They have been bodily scanned for any minute devices which could be used for tracking, communication, or weaponry.  While we don't feel that any of such devices as were found can be removed safely, so we have mechanically attached to their persons sealed devices which produce an energy dampening field that will envelope their bodies.

A number of Shock's top Commandos have volunteered to remain to stand guard over Emerald and Opaline until they have reached their final destination.  General Greedo has no intention of letting these two escape as Kedrin was allowed to.

While not yet learning the location of the Star Hammer project, we have found a number of key points in which to attack the project.  We have also found that the Star Hammer project has a very large guarding force which has been split into several groups.  This guarding force is much too large too strong for anything less than a full scale war force of our own ‑ IF we were to attack it directly.

The General and I feel that a large number of single Starfighter missions will be sufficient to weaken the organization and communications among the project guard, and possibly allow us to draw off some of the main part of that force.  We feel that with additional single Starfighter missions we will be able to partially cripple the Star Hammer project guarding force.  Then once we have the final location of the project itself, and more accurate information on the scope, breadth and location of it's guard, we will be able to plan our final assault.

Pilots Grey, and Cadet, we have upon us a time when we will all have to rely on each other ‑ but not from a position where you can have your 6 watched.  For the next indeterminable while, you will each be flying solo missions, and the lives of every one of you may very well depend on how well each of you do your jobs.

All of our StarFighters are being fitted with telemetry transponders, so that we can keep tabs on the condition of your craft.  As an added precaution, each of you will visit MedOps and be fitted with a short range PLD ‑ Personnel Locating Device.  These PLDs will broadcast on specific narrow band frequencies, and will allow the Rescue/Salvage Team to find you quickly, should the need arise.

We are now playing for very high stakes ‑ higher than we every have before.  You may rest assured that our enemy is aware of this and their stakes are just as high ‑ possibly infinitely higher than our own ‑ and will likely not be taking prisoners, or underestimate us again.

Come by my office to get your current assignments.

::With that Castor stepped from the center circle, and made his way to his office.  In a short while Grey and Cadet pilots were filing singly in and out of Castor's office::

::And finally YOU arrive, and Castor looks up as you enter::

Ah!  Sit down.  I have your assignment right here, give me a sec.
::Castor flips through the files in his data pad, finally gives up and does a search, and nods::

Okay, you've drawn an A‑Wing this time.  We feel that the A‑Wing's speed and maneuverability will be your biggest asset in this mission ‑ use them wisely.  What we found is that one of the key transfer points is guarded by a single Frigate and it's support craft.  The Frigate has had a hyper‑drive failure and is awaiting a repair crew.  A Freighter Supply convoy will be en route to the transfer point, and will include the repair parts and crew that the Frigate will need.

Your mission is to identify the Freighters in the convoy so that we may be sure that the convoy really is headed for the transfer point, and then kill it before it can reach it's hyper‑jump coordinates.  We're not exactly sure of the timing, but rest assured that you will have only limited time to accomplish this.  We also know that the Convoy will have Avengers as escort, but we don't know if they have any back up.

Don't take any more chances than you have to with this one.

::Castor holds up a data chip, checks it against the information on his data pad, and, apparently satisfied, reaches out and hands it to you::

Feed this to your NavComp ‑ it's your jump coordinates.  By my best calculations you have about a half an hour to get your PLD installed, and do whatever else until you're scheduled to leave.

Soar with the Gods, and come home safe.

::Castor reaches out again and, this time, shakes your hand.  After which you turn around and leave.  The next pilot in line whisks past you on his way in as you turn toward MedOps::

::The MedTech droid observes your entry, and presses a few keys on his console, before he turns to you::

Please remove your shirt.

::as you begin to comply the droid continues::

For your safety, and to ensure that this device can not be destroyed or removed while you live, I will place the Locator in close proximity with your heart.

::as your eyes widen some at the thought of the mechanics of the process, the droid approaches you, and brings up a syringe with a very long needle but only a small amount of fluid in side::

This may pinch a bit, but it will only last a fraction of a second.  Please try to remain motionless...


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 42,940 18 Victory July 29, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Finally managed to improve accuracy above 90%.
2. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 42,878 18 Victory July 29, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Good to be back in the cockpit!
3. GEN Damon Lightwind 42,720 18 Victory July 29, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: OK I admit that took several runs to get in to a groove and also I have to give Licha an assist here. I read your review after the 8 or 9th try I think.
4. FA Licah Fox 42,663 18 Victory July 27, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: holy moly, that's some mission
5. CMDR Mia StormChaser 2,342 2 Loss July 21, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: not fun
6. LCL jelf boom 0 1 Loss July 14, 2012 Official Tour Score
7. 1LT Jarik Nyine 0 5 Victory July 24, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: T/As are my worst nightmare. Reported under Resurrection Squadron until I get placed on a squad again.
8. 1LT Jarik Nyine 0 5 Victory July 24, 2012

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Average rating: 9.5

9 by FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran on July 29, 2012
TAs v. AWs is always fun, even though I died twice. :P
10 by GEN Damon Lightwind on July 29, 2012
OK damn challenging and you really need to be on the ball for this one. To take down 5 freighters under fire is no easy task but climbing out of a what ends up being a 13 on 1 whole takes all you got. All I can say is be elusive and make your shots count the best you can.
10 by FA Licah Fox on July 27, 2012
This one wins a 10 from me, purely on the merits of its exquisite difficulty. The parameters are simple, but the task is extreme: dodge lots of T/As while destroying freighters. The 10 is for how difficult it is to pull off 100% kills, especially with that fourth freighter seemingly always getting hit by a stray T/A shot.
9 by BGN Hermus Dogan on July 18, 2012
A deceptively simple mission, but be ready to take on a cloud of T/As if you aren't careful.