Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

MGN Adam Mieter

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
XvT 316: Attack on Exort Base (RgF 204) 30,545 2 June 28, 2013
XvT 315: Rescue Abra 'Carr Station (RgF 203) 0 6 May 26, 2013
XvT 314: Operation Morning Star 001 (Aedis 101) 0 4 April 15, 2013
VSG 306b: New Base of Operations (RgF 106) 29,685 7 February 21, 2011
VSG 305b: Sneak Attack (RgF 105) 0 7 November 13, 2010
VSG 303b: Meet Alien Contact (RgF 103) 0 13 May 30, 2010
VSG 201b: Training Exercise 24,200 6 September 26, 2008
Total Score 84,430 7 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
XWA 404: Building a Base in New Trask (IBG 204) 0 8 August 18, 2013
XWA: Routine Patrol 665 5 June 4, 2013
XWA: Defend Shipyard 0 6 May 26, 2013
XWA 403: Attacking the Imperial Base (IBG 203) 491 7 April 20, 2013
XWA Sim: Aid Civilians 4,691 8 August 15, 2012
XWA ATR Sim: Attack Imperial Outpost 4,940 6 July 29, 2012
VSG 204a: Cleaning the House 2,640 8 June 10, 2012
VSG 203a: Straight Flush 0 15 June 10, 2012
VSG 202a: Search for the Pirates 290 16 June 9, 2012
VSG 201a: Tarsonis Patrol 400 18 June 9, 2012
XWA 402: Elornia System Recon (IBG 202) 2,118 8 May 11, 2012
XWA 401: Move to New Base (IBG 201) 2,940 9 March 18, 2012
IBG 402: Replacement Fighters 1,166 21 November 27, 2011
IBG 401: Homeward Bound 1,564 19 November 27, 2011
IBG 306: The Final Step 53 19 November 27, 2011
IBG 305: Escorting the Freighters 3,772 14 November 27, 2011
IBG 304: Hunting the Hunters 3,801 28 November 25, 2011
IBG 303: Continuing the Evactuation 2,696 26 November 25, 2011
IBG 302: The Supernova 1,852 31 November 25, 2011
IBG 301: The Shuttle Tru'lak 1,782 29 November 25, 2011
IBG 209: Recon from New Trask 2,722 23 November 21, 2011
IBG 208: Protect the Prometheus 3,745 28 November 21, 2011
RS 310a: Destroy System Defenses (IBG 110) 2,827 6 November 20, 2011
IBG 207: Search and Destroy 4,043 16 November 20, 2011
IBG 206: Resupply and Support 413 26 November 20, 2011
IBG 205: Protect the new Base 0 25 November 20, 2011
IBG 204: Building a new Base in New Trask 518 19 November 20, 2011
IBG 203: Attacking the Imperial Base! 3,492 21 November 17, 2011
IBG 202: Elornia System Recon 1,305 19 November 17, 2011
IBG 201: Move to New Base 0 12 November 17, 2011
Operation Blade 102: Early Strike 8,577 21 November 17, 2011
Operation Blade 101: A Dangerous Beginning 570 36 November 17, 2011
RS 309a: Supply Raid (IBG 109) 2,169 12 September 8, 2011
RS 308a: Pirate Rampage (IBG 108) 760 5 July 23, 2011
RS 307a: Protect Supply Convoy (IBG 107) 600 5 May 14, 2011
VSG 306a: Destroy the SSD Tyrannic (IBG 106) -190 11 February 20, 2011
VSG 305a: Intel Op (IBG 105) 0 6 November 13, 2010
VSG 304a: TIE Defender Rendezvous (IBG 104) 2,436 9 July 30, 2010
VSG 303a: Attack Imperial Convoy (IBG 103) 2,456 9 May 25, 2010
VSG 302a: Shipyard Strike (IBG 102) 1,968 7 April 27, 2010
VSG 301a: Convoy Strike (IBG 101) 1,312 8 December 13, 2009
VSG 204a: Cleaning the House 2,721 7 September 22, 2009
VSG Summer Ladder (XWA): M9 550 6 September 22, 2009
VSG 203a: Straight Flush 2,232 14 April 4, 2009
VSG 202a: Search for the Pirates 3,080 13 December 21, 2008
VSG 201a: Tarsonis Patrol 0 19 October 5, 2008
VSG 110a: Diversion at the Maxite Belt 0 16 March 23, 2008
VSG 107a: Convoy Raid at Hexos 0 20 October 27, 2007
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 611 13 August 21, 2007
VSG 105a: Pilot Recovery 0 10 June 29, 2007
VSG 104a: Distraction 595 15 April 20, 2007
VSG 103a: New Base of Operations 5,728 9 March 12, 2007
VSG 102a: Reconnaissance 4,994 8 February 18, 2007
VSG 101a: Battle of Blerthmore 2,726 23 December 10, 2006
VSG 112a: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 0 19 July 5, 2005
Total Score 98,821 55 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
OP 1: Destroy Imperial Convoy 22,721 5 July 26, 2011
Total Score 22,721 1 Report

Empire at War

Mission Score Rank Reported
Another Mission (RID Tour 3 retro) 2,184 1 June 29, 2013
RID 312 (3rd Party Creation) 5,141 3 March 13, 2013
Total Score 7,325 2 Reports