Rebel Squadrons

Combat Citation

This medal is awarded for meritorious performance in a Rebel Squadrons activity which does not rise to the level of the New Republic Medal of Honor or the Republic Shield Kalidor Crescent.

Text Representation: |*|

Combat Citation
Combat Citation

RA Adam "Vender" Fene
COL Anthon Connor
GEN Anton "Ups" Nels - (More Information)
MAJ Asen - (More Information)
1LT Benito45 - (More Information)
CPT Blade Cannabisia (x2)
RA Boid Reaves (x8) - (More Information)
COL Bon Fel
1LT Bria Tharen (x2)
COL Brig Dolaree - (More Information)
MGN Chris Earthkeeper (x2)
GEN Chris Horn "Kicks" (x4)
CMDR Dan Qal Strum
FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar (x2) - (More Information)
LCL Darth Gumbo - (More Information)
LCL DashClone (x6)
FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris (x2)
ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk (x2) - (More Information)
FA Dev
COL Dev Azzameen (x5)
LGN Doth Raandu
MGN Gabrich Varmer
LCM Gagra Yearwood
COL Galen McGrath - (More Information)
VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis (x7)
MGN Gavin Phalon
COL Han Suul (x5)
RA Harley Quinn (x2)
RA Himm El-Syna - (More Information)
BGN Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (x4)
GEN Jake Blues
LCL Jay Forerunner - (More Information)
MGN jcmcgoo - (More Information)
LCL jelf boom (x3) - (More Information)
CMDR John Leelsabs (x2)
CMDR Johnny
LGN Jon Anchorage (x3)
FA Joshua Hawkins - (More Information)
MAJ Jotheb Tahn - (More Information)
FA Kaz Falcion (x11)
MAJ Keldar "Whisper" Wenn (x4) - (More Information)
CMDR Kem Chrosid (x2)
MGN Kimiao Quinal - (More Information)
CPT Kiwi
GEN Koah - (More Information)
LCM Kromium
RA Kyle Tobarn (x5)
RA Lamin Zykara
2LT Lee Chaolan
COM Leonard Cable - (More Information)
CPT Li' Coden - (More Information)
FA Licah Fox
LCM lmaokai88 - (More Information)
CDT Luke Katarno
CPT Lukus Harman - (More Information)
COL Luren "DaLe" Ketan (x5) - (More Information)
GEN Markus Jarnhann - (More Information)
MGN Mat Bizegar - (More Information)
RA Matt "Stallion" Williams (x2)
MGN Max Cal - (More Information)
MAJ Maynard Stardust (x2)
FA Michael Raven - (More Information)
LCM Mo Kongo (x2)
RA Mon Surge
BGN Naesa Draw - (More Information)
CPT Nicholas Kelric
MAJ Nicma Sihou
MGN Nicolai Ginofev - (More Information)
LCL Nils Sira-e.LXXIX
LCL Orian LaCarde
VA Patrick Blastfire (x9)
2LT Pauho Welan
GEN Petr Tagge Margul (x4)
MGN Primlar Potamus (x3) - (More Information)
FA Rahj Tharen (x10)
LCL Ral Shiel
LCM Raven Arestar
COL Reabel - (More Information)
LCM REB JAXRA (x3) - (More Information)
LCM Red bandit - (More Information)
FA Rensal Darklighter
COM Richard Gross
LCM Ryan "Tango" Xeleron
LCL Ryan Deean (x3)
GEN Sair Mandella (x2)
MGN Sea Messi
MGN Shane Long - (More Information)
BGN shaolin - (More Information)
FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
MGN Steve Hawkins - (More Information)
FA Super (x3) - (More Information)
COL Taan Ronar
LCM Talon Drear (x3)
LCL Teesu Braynok
2LT Tek (x2)
ADM Teke Daggerscout
COL Teu Veld - (More Information)
CMDR Tobian "Beany" Kentaas (x4)
MGN Ton Matty - (More Information)
BGN Topachea Nabbirie (x2)
COL Toran Celd
VA Trace
LGN Trate Daxson (x2)
LCM Trev Firestorm - (More Information)
MAJ Tym Angel - (More Information)
FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran (x16) - (More Information)
CMDR Vason Senmic - (More Information)
MGN Vykk Tharen (x2)
COM Wes Belden (x12)
LCM Wraith K`Lan
1LT Xque - (More Information)
MGN Xtremegene
CMDR Yaihi'l Beskar - (More Information)
CPT YlvaUlfgangur - (More Information)
MAJ Zeth Raltier (x3)
CMDR Zsinj (x3)
Nominate someone for this medal

Coruscant Star of Valor
New Republic Medal of Honor
Alliance Dagger
Republic Shield Kalidor Crescent
Flames of Courage
Dauntless Combat Citation
Valiance Combat Citation
Operational Development Pin
Violet Cluster


Rebel Squadrons

Patriot Starfighter Group
Redemption Fleet
Alliegiance Battle Group
Vigilance Starfighter Group
Rebel Squadrons
Renegade Fleet
Intrepid Battle Group
Aurora Force
Retribution Fleet
Commando Division
Righteous Indignation Division
Zealot Special Operations
Squadron Recipients: