Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


1LT Raistlin Majere

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
RgF 307 14,590 19 April 15, 2004
RgF 306 14,197 14 March 15, 2004
Total Score 28,787 2 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 509: Torpedoes Away! 30,781 23 May 29, 2004
PBF 508: Ambuscade 40,553 18 April 4, 2004
Total Score 71,334 2 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
IBG 406: They're after our Base! 2,567 18 May 31, 2004
IBG 405: Going into Battle 7,121 10 April 30, 2004
IBG 404: The Imperial Force 2,083 19 March 31, 2004
IBG 403: Where are the Imperials? 4,275 13 February 29, 2004
IBG 402: Replacement Fighters 3,092 8 January 31, 2004
Total Score 19,138 5 Reports