Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

COM David Vaughan

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 112b: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 0 14 July 6, 2008
VSG 111b: Picking up some Zealots 11,200 15 April 28, 2008
VSG 110b: Prisoner Rescue at Maxite 26,329 8 February 29, 2008
VSG 109b: Refresh and Resupply 38,435 4 January 26, 2008
VSG 108b: Retreat From Fersto 37,876 3 November 6, 2007
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 12,900 13 October 14, 2007
VSG 106b: Death to Heretics 6,319 17 August 27, 2007
VSG 105b: Redemption or Annihilation 3,600 14 June 22, 2007
VSG 104b: Supplies Convoy 15,702 9 May 17, 2007
VSG 103b: Planetary Defence 1,965 16 March 18, 2007
VSG 102b: Reconaissance 20,800 22 February 7, 2007
VSG 101b: Battle of Blerthmore 6,816 22 December 27, 2006
RgF 412: Finding the Enemy 17,245 12 November 8, 2006
RgF 411: Base Destruction 38,363 8 September 14, 2006
RgF 410: Even The Odds 12,840 33 August 8, 2006
RgF 409: Assist the Convoy 19,320 15 June 27, 2006
RgF 408: Lure Them In 19,561 11 April 29, 2006
Total Score 289,271 17 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 112a: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 0 18 July 6, 2008
VSG 111a: Convoy Escort 2,354 17 April 28, 2008
VSG 110a: Diversion at the Maxite Belt 0 13 March 23, 2008
VSG 109a: Resupply Convoy at Tilira 3,722 11 January 13, 2008
VSG 108a: Retreat at Selaris 7,254 12 November 18, 2007
VSG 107a: Convoy Raid at Hexos 1,825 19 October 14, 2007
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 62 20 August 27, 2007
VSG 105a: Pilot Recovery 0 8 June 22, 2007
VSG 104a: Distraction 0 20 May 17, 2007
VSG 103a: New Base of Operations 2,552 12 March 27, 2007
VSG 102a: Reconnaissance 2,627 17 February 18, 2007
VSG 101a: Battle of Blerthmore 13,148 6 December 27, 2006
IBG 605: The Final Battle 5,458 7 October 27, 2006
IBG 604: Learning the Truth 1,650 17 August 27, 2006
IBG 603: Will They Ever Learn? 9,420 2 July 12, 2006
IBG 602: Hunting for Pirates 7,138 5 June 10, 2006
Total Score 57,210 16 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
GDF 106t: Driven to Peril 0 6 June 29, 2008
GDF 105t 28,321 3 April 28, 2008
GDF 104t 0 5 March 30, 2008
GDF 103t 5,250 9 February 10, 2008
GDF 102t 31,487 2 December 29, 2007
GDF 101t 58,395 3 November 10, 2007
PBF 707t 42,407 12 March 4, 2007
PBF 706t 46,941 9 January 21, 2007
PBF 705t 10,337 18 December 9, 2006
PBF 704t 0 22 October 30, 2006
PBF 702t 3,878 17 August 27, 2006
R2F 905 20,481 9 July 17, 2006
R2F 904 78,944 2 May 8, 2006
R2F 903 34,962 3 March 12, 2006
R2F 501 32,033 4 February 1, 2005
R2F 408 51,938 6 February 1, 2005
R2F 701 19,406 16 June 14, 2002
Total Score 464,780 17 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
GDF 106x: Driven to Peril 17,738 9 June 29, 2008
GDF 105x 21,885 12 April 28, 2008
GDF 104x -341 12 March 30, 2008
GDF 103x 33,168 14 February 9, 2008
GDF 102x 0 17 December 29, 2007
GDF 101x 0 17 November 10, 2007
PBF 708x 0 24 April 15, 2007
PBF 707x 4,234 25 March 4, 2007
PBF 706x 14,406 32 January 21, 2007
PBF 705x 20,939 32 December 9, 2006
PBF 704x 49,329 11 November 9, 2006
PBF 702x 31,447 29 August 27, 2006
PBF 701x 45,574 12 July 12, 2006
PBF 612 33,037 22 June 25, 2006
PBF 611 47,322 12 April 13, 2006
PBF 610 43,646 4 March 12, 2006
Total Score 362,384 16 Reports

Empire at War

Mission Score Rank Reported
RID 112: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 5,398 11 July 5, 2008
RID 111: Taking Control of Delerite 0 24 May 4, 2008
RID 110: Battle of the Maxite Belt 3,310 6 March 22, 2008
RID 109: SpecForces Strike: Marak IV 2,888 5 January 21, 2008
Total Score 11,596 4 Reports