Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

CPT Chrys Cortan

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
RgF 206 18,940 16 December 31, 2002
RgF 205 21,885 6 September 30, 2002
Zodiac 004: Insertion of Redstar Squad on the CRV Wolf 2 27,868 7 August 31, 2002
RgF 203 33,044 13 June 30, 2002
Total Score 101,737 4 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
IBG 206: Resupply and Support 6,450 15 December 31, 2002
IBG 205: Protect the new Base 2,559 15 November 30, 2002
IBG 112: Seek and Destroy SSD Imperator 34,701 1 August 30, 2002
IBG 203: Attacking the Imperial Base! 4,947 10 July 10, 2002
IBG 111: The Yaga Minor Shipyards 4,669 16 June 26, 2002
Total Score 53,326 5 Reports