Rebel Squadrons

Merit Commendation

Awarded for a specific act of service that deserves notable praise.

Text Representation: =*=

Merit Commendation
Merit Commendation

1LT Ace Antilles (x2) - (More Information)
RA Adam "Vender" Fene
MGN Adam Mieter (x7) - (More Information)
COL Aidyn Wolfwood - (More Information)
COL Airek Osair - (More Information)
CPT Akia (x2) - (More Information)
CMDR Alexxander Vandross - (More Information)
COL Anthon Connor
GEN Anton "Ups" Nels (x6) - (More Information)
COL Argon Viper
MAJ Arhkman Galicon (x2) - (More Information)
LCL Arloz Zaffro
MAJ Asen (x3) - (More Information)
LCM Ater-Itos-Sist-Gand
CMDR Ben Haun
LGN Ben Jynzer
CDT Bluck
GEN Bluejay Farscape
MAJ Bo Wiseman
RA Boid Reaves - (More Information)
LCM Bonaparte
COL Brig Dolaree (x5) - (More Information)
CMDR Calista "Kat" Fairbright (x3) - (More Information)
MAJ Carl Thansk - (More Information)
LCM Carlos (x2) - (More Information)
COL Carlos DeLong
CPT Carth - (More Information)
COL Cay-Qel "Pyro" Jade (x2) - (More Information)
MGN Chris Earthkeeper (x2) - (More Information)
GEN Chris Horn "Kicks" (x7) - (More Information)
MAJ ChristoUS82 (x2) - (More Information)
MAJ Corut Po'Col (x2) - (More Information)
MGN CrazyCarl - (More Information)
FA Cyrel Vandroth - (More Information)
MAJ Dacs Helfrump - (More Information)
GEN Damon Lightwind (x6) - (More Information)
MAJ Daniel Reznor - (More Information)
FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar (x7) - (More Information)
LCL Daron Lochek (x3)
LCL Darth Gumbo - (More Information)
GEN Daryus Zalyn`Cya (x4) - (More Information)
FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris (x3) - (More Information)
ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk (x6) - (More Information)
2LT David Shuff - (More Information)
COM David Vaughan (x3) - (More Information)
LCL Davin Ingram Kabak - (More Information)
2LT Davin Olar - (More Information)
MGN Derik Bel Iblis - (More Information)
COL Dev Azzameen (x2) - (More Information)
MAJ Dhruv Kalra
LCM Domeno - (More Information)
BGN Don-Qui
2LT Draven - (More Information)
CMDR Dyl'jo'ban (x6) - (More Information)
2LT Elena - (More Information)
BGN Eric Reagan (x2) - (More Information)
LGN Eric Skrevski (x3) - (More Information)
MAJ Etain Valen Gaas - (More Information)
BGN Fion "Zero" Grell
MGN Gabrich Varmer
MAJ Galactic Angel - (More Information)
COL Galen McGrath (x3) - (More Information)
BGN Galic Mars (x3) - (More Information)
GEN Garrik "Face" Loran (x5) - (More Information)
VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis (x2) - (More Information)
MGN Gavin Phalon
BGN Gavin Starseeker (x2) - (More Information)
LCM Graff Starkiller - (More Information)
BGN Graxul StarWeaver - (More Information)
COL Han Suul (x4) - (More Information)
RA Harley Quinn (x3) - (More Information)
MAJ Hec Losame - (More Information)
CMDR Hermann - (More Information)
BGN Hermus Dogan (x2) - (More Information)
MAJ Hernan10 - (More Information)
RA Himm El-Syna (x5) - (More Information)
LCL Hyde (x2) - (More Information)
ADM Indiana Bridger - (More Information)
LCM InterlinkKnight (x3) - (More Information)
COL Jack "Blazer" Barnes (x3) - (More Information)
MGN Jairo Pantoja - (More Information)
GEN Jake Blues (x2)
COL Jalen Ramz - (More Information)
LCM James "Corsair" Folen - (More Information)
LGN James "Nightwolf" Davidson (x2) - (More Information)
CPT James StarGazer - (More Information)
COL Jan-lo Sunner
1LT Janis Deiverion - (More Information)
CMDR Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance (x3) - (More Information)
1LT Jarik Nyine - (More Information)
2LT Jarka Porkins - (More Information)
LCL Jay Forerunner (x3) - (More Information)
MGN jcmcgoo (x7) - (More Information)
LCL jelf boom (x5) - (More Information)
COL Jeremiah Matthew
CPT Jeris Gand
RA Jinx Katarn
CPT Joak Drysso - (More Information)
CMDR Johnny
LGN Jon Anchorage (x2) - (More Information)
FA Joshua Hawkins (x15) - (More Information)
MAJ Jotheb Tahn (x5) - (More Information)
LGN Juho Taskinen (x2) - (More Information)
1LT Juval Tiesler - (More Information)
COM Kailen - (More Information)
CMDR Kale Petosky
COL Kane "Kid" Dev Redron (x5) - (More Information)
FA Kaz Falcion (x3) - (More Information)
MAJ Keldar "Whisper" Wenn - (More Information)
1LT Kelem Syn - (More Information)
CMDR Kem Chrosid
LCM Kiera - (More Information)
MGN Kimiao Quinal (x3) - (More Information)
CPT KingBird - (More Information)
ADM Kirghy Lommax (x4) - (More Information)
LCL Kresa Rei'de
CPT Kyle Dineer - (More Information)
RA Kyle Tobarn
2LT Lacus - (More Information)
COM Leonard Cable (x4) - (More Information)
FA Licah Fox (x12) - (More Information)
MGN LiveWire
LCM lmaokai88 - (More Information)
FA Lucas Benoit-Stark (x3) - (More Information)
CPT Lukus Harman (x2) - (More Information)
LCL Lunac`her`inar (x3) - (More Information)
COL Luren "DaLe" Ketan (x5) - (More Information)
MAJ Mace
2LT Mapi "PeaceH" Lowee - (More Information)
CMDR Mario El Atlante - (More Information)
GEN Markus Jarnhann (x5) - (More Information)
MGN Mat Bizegar (x2) - (More Information)
MGN Max Cal (x2) - (More Information)
CPT Max Reem - (More Information)
CPT Max Tallon - (More Information)
1LT MERLANCE - (More Information)
CMDR Mia StormChaser (x3) - (More Information)
CPT Michael Dreadman - (More Information)
1LT Michael Duran - (More Information)
FA Michael Raven (x6) - (More Information)
FA Mike "MacMan" McEwen - (More Information)
LGN Mike P. Bullian
LCM Mini Minkus (x2)
COL Misko Markot
LCM Mo Kongo
BGN Muzor (x2) - (More Information)
BGN Naesa Draw (x4) - (More Information)
MGN Nicolai Ginofev (x2) - (More Information)
MAJ Olias (x3) - (More Information)
CMDR Olith Hesto (x3) - (More Information)
2LT Onyx Tenstorn - (More Information)
VA Patrick Blastfire (x3) - (More Information)
GEN Petr Tagge Margul (x2) - (More Information)
2LT Phelan Kell (x2) - (More Information)
GEN Phil DarkFire (x7) - (More Information)
MGN Primlar Potamus - (More Information)
CMDR Pyros7 - (More Information)
FA Rahj Tharen
CMDR Rahm Nyko - (More Information)
COL Rahvin - (More Information)
LCL Rakiki - (More Information)
LCM Ralis Solin (x2) - (More Information)
CPT Rasori Lupumator (x2)
LCM Raven Seven
BGN Ray Djo (x2) - (More Information)
COL Reabel - (More Information)
CPT Reb Crush
MGN Rekio Corsair (x3) - (More Information)
CMDR Rekstar Rukilian - (More Information)
FA Rensal Darklighter (x3) - (More Information)
LGN Rhuryc (x2) - (More Information)
COM Richard Gross
BGN Richo - (More Information)
LJG Rowel Beta - (More Information)
GEN Sair Mandella (x4) - (More Information)
MGN Sea Messi - (More Information)
RA Sentry - (More Information)
BGN shaolin (x6) - (More Information)
FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn (x6) - (More Information)
COL Sigurd Pillar - (More Information)
1LT SKF-1971: Arcane - (More Information)
BGN Stalker (x2) - (More Information)
BGN Ste T (x3) - (More Information)
MGN Steve Hawkins - (More Information)
MAJ Strike Adrella-Highwing - (More Information)
1LT Sulon Baras
FA Super (x2) - (More Information)
1LT SuperCiber - (More Information)
COL Taan Ronar
BGN Talon Starblazer (x2) - (More Information)
CPT Talyn Malasombra - (More Information)
MAJ Tarax Eosphoros Kor - (More Information)
COL Tech Krill - (More Information)
LCL Teesu Braynok
LCL Terrak Jace - (More Information)
COL Teu Veld (x7) - (More Information)
MAJ Tingar "Tiny" Miletus (x2) - (More Information)
MGN Ton Matty (x3) - (More Information)
BGN Topachea Nabbirie - (More Information)
COL Toran Celd
VA Trace (x3)
LCM Trev Firestorm - (More Information)
FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran (x7) - (More Information)
MGN Vykk Tharen - (More Information)
LCM Walex Partija - (More Information)
COM Wes Belden (x2) - (More Information)
LCM Wraith K`Lan
CDT X-Wing_Phantom_ - (More Information)
MGN Xtremegene (x3) - (More Information)
CMDR Yaihi'l Beskar (x5) - (More Information)
CPT YlvaUlfgangur (x2) - (More Information)
Nominate someone for this medal

Excellency of Service
Unit Commendation
Tatooine Suns
Kessel Cup
Burdine Cluster
Iridium Spire
Alvace Star
Excellency of Duty
Dagger of Courage
Citation of Victory


Rebel Squadrons

Patriot Starfighter Group
Redemption Fleet
Alliegiance Battle Group
Vigilance Starfighter Group
Rebel Squadrons
Renegade Fleet
Intrepid Battle Group
Aurora Force
Retribution Fleet
Commando Division
Righteous Indignation Division
Zealot Special Operations
Squadron Recipients:
Dagger Squadron - (More Information)