Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


CPT Jordi Fett


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 501: The Cadrel Expanse 55,413 12 May 30, 2003
PBF 412: Homecoming 53,831 14 April 27, 2003
PBF 411: Clean Sweep 54,083 4 March 26, 2003
PBF 410: Counter Attack 78,064 5 February 23, 2003
PBF 409: White Guard Attack 74,044 3 January 25, 2003
PBF 408: Supply Line Cut 59,309 6 November 2, 2002
PBF 407: Repay the Favor 66,657 6 September 29, 2002
PBF 406: Scramble 94,967 3 August 25, 2002
PBF 405: Turn the Tide 35,277 18 July 28, 2002
PBF 404: The Rendevous 86,382 14 June 24, 2002
Total Score 658,027 10 Reports