Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

CMDR Johnny

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
RgF 107 26,150 14 September 30, 2001
RgF 106 26,115 11 September 16, 2001
Total Score 52,265 2 Reports


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 504: Awaiting Reinforcements 67,434 2 October 4, 2003
PBF 411: Clean Sweep 52,629 35 March 26, 2003
PBF 407: Repay the Favor 67,387 2 September 29, 2002
PBF 312: Endgame 45,537 15 February 28, 2002
PBF 311: Hold on baby! 43,991 15 January 31, 2002
PBF 309: Capture the Black Rain II 42,398 13 October 14, 2001
PBF 308: Protect Convoy 46,490 1 August 31, 2001
PBF 307: Trapped 54,786 14 July 30, 2001
PBF 305: Moving Day 57,642 4 April 30, 2001
PBF 304: Scout 46,765 14 February 28, 2001
PBF 303: Convoy 55,923 3 January 15, 2001
Total Score 580,982 11 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
IBG 104: TIE Defender Rendezvous 4,320 22 November 3, 2001
IBG 103: Attack on Imperal Patrol 2,540 20 September 5, 2001
IBG 102: Shipyard Strike 1,093 19 August 10, 2001
IBG 101: Convoy Attack 0 27 July 6, 2001
Operation Blade 102: Early Strike 7,952 28 June 1, 2001
Total Score 15,905 5 Reports