Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

MAJ Asen

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 111b: Picking up some Zealots 13,657 8 April 29, 2008
VSG 110b: Prisoner Rescue at Maxite 31,233 5 March 10, 2008
VSG 108b: Retreat From Fersto 14,470 13 December 6, 2007
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 21,450 6 October 17, 2007
VSG 106b: Death to Heretics 4,037 18 August 28, 2007
VSG 102b: Reconaissance 23,265 14 January 31, 2007
RgF 412: Finding the Enemy 15,576 15 November 19, 2006
RgF 411: Base Destruction 39,972 7 September 29, 2006
RgF 408: Lure Them In 23,920 10 May 25, 2006
RgF 407: Spring the Trap 12,605 16 April 7, 2006
RgF 4B1: Bonus Mission 20,130 18 February 22, 2006
RgF 406: Payback, RgF Style 12,500 13 December 4, 2005
RgF 404: Base Resupply 12,005 20 July 29, 2005
RgF 402: Recon the Base 12,600 17 March 25, 2005
RgF 401: Defend the Republic Guard 19,020 13 February 22, 2005
RgF 311 21,116 14 October 30, 2004
RgF 310 24,095 4 September 30, 2004
RgF 309 18,224 15 July 31, 2004
RgF 308 13,799 9 May 25, 2004
RgF 307 15,130 15 April 15, 2004
RgF 306 14,825 13 March 15, 2004
Total Score 383,629 21 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
Titan attack at Greeop 1,585 1 February 5, 2020
VSG 112a: Battle in the Ragyss Nebula 5,358 13 July 6, 2008
VSG 111a: Convoy Escort 2,892 15 April 29, 2008
VSG 109a: Resupply Convoy at Tilira 3,073 12 January 22, 2008
VSG 107a: Convoy Raid at Hexos 3,186 11 October 23, 2007
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 802 11 August 30, 2007
Total Score 16,896 6 Reports