Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

MGN Dan Fengar


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 406: Scramble 46,295 23 August 25, 2002
PBF 405: Turn the Tide 29,306 30 July 28, 2002
PBF 403: Rendevous with the White Guard 25,568 31 May 25, 2002
PBF 402: Construction Yard Raid 56,926 28 April 30, 2002
PBF 302 18,434 29 November 1, 2000
PBF 301: Guard the CRS Windstorm! 23,529 9 October 31, 2000
PBF 210 36,726 39 July 31, 2000
PBF 209 17,089 48 June 30, 2000
PBF 206 21,296 47 February 28, 2000
PBF 205: Recover Corvette 29,424 16 January 31, 2000
PBF 204: Race to Death 30,007 20 November 30, 1999
Total Score 334,600 11 Reports

TIE Fighter

Mission Score Rank Reported
R2F 407 85,841 9 February 1, 2005
R2F 406 48,800 8 February 1, 2005
Total Score 134,641 2 Reports

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
RgF 101 30,730 11 February 27, 2001
Total Score 30,730 1 Report