Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


CPT John Monstresor


Mission Score Rank Reported
PBF 304: Scout 41,587 26 February 28, 2001
PBF 303: Convoy 11,852 45 January 15, 2001
PBF 301: Guard the CRS Windstorm! 12,728 51 October 31, 2000
PBF 211: Escape! 39,484 17 August 31, 2000
PBF 210 27,747 53 July 31, 2000
PBF 209 19,057 30 June 30, 2000
PBF 208 31,556 28 May 31, 2000
PBF 206 14,643 61 February 28, 2000
PBF 205: Recover Corvette 26,878 31 January 31, 2000
PBF 204: Race to Death 25,611 27 November 30, 1999
PBF 203: Shipyard Raid 11,436 50 October 31, 1999
PBF 202: Ambushed Again 11,164 52 September 30, 1999
PBF 201: Minos Conflict Over? 12,202 30 August 31, 1999
RS/PBF Minos 12: Guard Base Supplies 13,862 35 June 30, 1999
RS/PBF Minos 3: Scramble! 14,964 26 July 31, 1998
RS/PBF Minos 2: Escort Refugees 23,932 24 June 30, 1998
Total Score 338,703 16 Reports